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More Residents Infected: COVID-19 in Manhattan Beach

More Residents Infected: COVID-19 in Manhattan Beach
More Residents Infected: COVID-19 in Manhattan Beach


Manhattan Beach, CA — Nearly 20 residents of Manhattan Beach tested positive for COVID-19 overnight, bringing the total number of positive cases in the city to 685 since Los Angeles County began collecting data in March. It was. The number increased by 18 from the previous day. This was an increase of 11. The latest jump went from 667 to 685.

Manhattan Beach reflects COVID-19 in Los Angeles County in a less violent way, with 13,315 new cases of COVID-19 and 58 additional deaths reported on Sunday. [Dec. 20], Also set another new record of hospitalization related to the coronavirus. 5,549 people in the county hospital are infected with the virus.

“We see light at the end of the tunnel, but we haven’t reached it yet,” said Dr. Brad Spellberg, Chief Medical Officer at the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. “The pandemic will continue for months after we start vaccination of people. This is not the time to start ignoring public health advice and recommendations. Our hospital is very crowded in Los Angeles County. I am.

Relation: Manhattan Beach Man First Received COVID-19 Vaccine

“LA County is now heading towards becoming the epicenter of a pandemic,” he said. “We are not yet at the stage where other parts of the world, including the United States, are suffering from catastrophic consequences, but we are heading in that direction, and if we do not stop spreading, we Hospital will be overwhelmed. “

“We are crushed. We are not going to sugar coat this. We are crushed,” Spellberg said. “Most of the day last week, ICU beds were zero in the morning and I had to scramble.” Can I move this patient here? “” Can I move that patient there? ” … we are already expanding care to areas of hospitals that do not normally offer that type of care.

“… and it’s not just COVID patients,” he said. “It’s a victim of car accidents, heart attacks and violence. They need a place to go to get a life-saving emergency. We can only react. We can’t stop the spread. I We need to listen to these mitigation strategies to slow the spread. The bed will be completely gone. “

Spellberg also expressed the frustration felt by healthcare professionals caused by those who denied the severity of the virus and downplayed its impact on hospitals.

“The amount of moral courage needed to run into danger is very frustrating for our heroes to come to the hospital every day to take care of their patients. Watch videos and people are in the public. I hear that they don’t take hygiene strategies seriously, “he said.

His comments were exacerbated by the proliferation of explosive incidents throughout the county since November, with Thanksgiving holidays and associated rallies occurring despite warnings.

As of Friday morning, Dr. Christina Ghaly said Los Angeles County had a total of 699 available beds, a population of 10 million, and only 69 ICU beds. Garry said the numbers represent “time snapshots” from daily morning polls at 70 “911 Receiving” hospitals in the county with emergency rooms, and the numbers are dramatic throughout the day. Said that it could fluctuate.

Recently, the county hospital operates near the overall licensed capacity of about 2,500 ICU beds.

Last week, the county hospital operated an average of about 10,360 non-ICU beds per day, based on physical space and available staff. Overall, county hospitals are licensed to operate approximately 17,000 non-ICU beds, but the number is limited by the availability of staff to treat patients.
Gary reiterated Spellberg’s warning that the influx of patients in the hospital threatened the care of everyone, not just COVID-19 patients.

“Everyone has seen first-hand how devastating this pandemic was, and there is a risk that we will overwhelm the hospital and undermine the hospital’s ability to care for everyone in need of service. I know I’m fighting this unprecedented pandemic. “She said. “And it’s in danger now.”

On Thursday, the state announced that the Southern California region of District 11 had officially reached zero capacity in intensive care units and remained zero as of Sunday. This designation does not mean that there are no beds available, as the state adjusts capacity numbers based on the proportion of COVID-19 patients occupying the ICU space.

According to Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer, the average daily death toll from COVID-19 in the county increased by 267% from 9 November to 44 per day as of last week, this week. May increase further. Feller said two people in the county were dying from COVID-19 every hour.

According to county officials, the local prevalence of COVID-19 (the average number of people who are positive for COVID are infected with the virus) has increased from 1.16 a week ago to 1.2. When the rate exceeds 1, the number of cases is expected to increase.

The county also estimates that 1 in 80 inhabitants who are not hospitalized or quarantined / quarantined are infected with the virus. Perhaps they can infect others without knowing the virus or showing symptoms.

“Based on the science of COVID-19 infection, the devastation we are currently experiencing is that people who are unknowingly infected with the virus have enough time to get infected, in close contact with others and groups. Or because of direct contact, “county health officer Dr. Muntudavis said Thursday. “This could have happened when traveling or visiting with people outside the home who did not live together at work or on vacation. Here county, another county, another state, or another. It is one of the countries.

“The science of COVID-19 infection is also transmitted in crowded spaces where many people are nearby, especially in dense spaces where people are talking very close to each other, and in poorly ventilated closed or closed spaces. Shows that is more likely to occur, “he says. Said. “And where these three conditions overlap, the risk of COVID-19 infection is high.”

The Southern California region, which covers the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Imperial, Inyo, Mono, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura, is under state-imposed regional home orders. Many businesses were forced to close, banning the gathering of people from different households and limiting the capacity of other households.
Exempt schools can remain open with “critical infrastructure” and retail stores. Retail stores are limited to 20% of capacity.

The restaurant is restricted to takeaway and delivery services only. The hotel is allowed to open with “important infrastructure support only”, but the church is restricted to outdoor-only service. Entertainment production, including professional sports, is allowed to continue without a live audience.

The order is valid until at least December 28th.

The Los Angeles County Health Officer Order was amended on Saturday in line with the recent Supreme Court ruling on the place of worship. The court has allowed such places to provide faith-based services both indoors and outdoors, and physical distances and facial features to both the nose and mouth that must always be worn in the field. We have decided to require a cover. Attendance beyond the capacity is not permitted while maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet between separate households.

The county health department strongly recommended that the place of worship continue to serve outdoors, using physical distance and face coverings, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

City News Service contributed to this article.

Relation: Manhattan Beach Man First Received COVID-19 Vaccine

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