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“Easy PS:” First St. Charles Bend Career Vaccinated with COVID-19

“Easy PS:” First St. Charles Bend Career Vaccinated with COVID-19
“Easy PS:” First St. Charles Bend Career Vaccinated with COVID-19


(Updated: Added comments from St. Charles executives)

“I understand that it’s just the first step in a long journey,” says Dr. ER.

Bend, Ole (KTVZ) —Nine months after the pandemic, St. Charles Bend’s first healthcare provider was vaccinated today with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

That meant that Dr. Francis McCabe started his weekly work on Monday in a slightly different way.

“It’s great to go through this part of the process,” Dr. McCabe told reporters.

She went to the conference room, signed her name, took a seat, and first prepared for Central Oregon.

“Easy Peasy,” said Dr. McCabe when he was injected with the vaccine that arrived in St. Charles last Thursday.

The emergency physician was one of five St. Charles health care workers, along with certified nursing assistant Jonathan Caress. Respiratory therapist DJ earrings. Becky Lacos, environmental service caregiver. Kathy Davila, Phlebotomist in the Emergency Department. Julie Bostrom, a registered nurse in the emergency department, received her first COVID-19 vaccination.

Joe Sulka, President and Chief Executive Officer of St. Charles Health Systems, said:

Dr. Jeff Absalon, St. Charles’ doctor, said the hospital would distribute all of the first shipments of Pfizer vaccine by Wednesday.

“Therefore, it is guaranteed that after about 21 days there will be a matching shipment that will be used to vaccinate the same caregiver for the first time,” Dr. Absalon said.

He also told NewsChannel 21 that hospitals are seeing additional vaccines for each vulgar, as reported by other hospitals across the country. This means that the first shipment received more than expected 975 doses.

However, just because vaccination has begun does not mean that the pandemic is over.

“So it’s really important to understand that just because you’re shot doesn’t mean you can change any of your behavior,” Dr. McCabe said.

And she has a reason to keep it at home.

“I have a son with a fairly serious congenital heart disease, so we are very cautious at home,” said Dr. McCabe.

But taking precautions is not that difficult for her, she said.

“Standard precautions should protect everyone, right?” Dr. McCabe said, “Do you want to do strange, unnecessary, and stressful things?”

Now she’s one step closer to not having to worry about it at all.

“The Central Oregon is ready!” Dr. McCabe shouted, bending his arms before vaccination. St. Charles expects another shipment of vaccines on Thursday.

Liberation from St. Charles

At 11:00 am on Monday, the first group of five St. Charles caregivers entered the meeting area of ​​Bend Hospital and received what was called the “Shot of Hope,” the region’s first COVID-19 vaccine.

“Setting up a precision vaccination program so quickly is not an easy task. According to the hospital, a doctor in the emergency room of St. Charles Bend, who was part of the first vaccinated group in Central Oregon. Dr. Fran McCave said, “This was a really great team effort.”

“I am very grateful to be able to join the group of hospital staff who received this vaccine first. It is very exciting, but I realize that it is only the first step in a long journey. We all Must do so. Be vigilant. “

At the same time as certified nursing assistants McCabe and Jonathan Cares, leave a safe interval in the area. Respiratory therapist DJ earrings. Becky Lacos, environmental service caregiver. Kathy Davila, Phlebotomist in the Emergency Department. Julie Bostrom, a registered nurse in the emergency department, “proudly rolled up her sleeves and was vaccinated,” the hospital said.

All of these caregivers have been caring for and supporting COVID-19 patients for months.

The clinic on Monday was the first of many. St. Charles will administer the first wave of 975 doses from today to this Wednesday. The healthcare system is scheduled for a second shipment of 975 doses later this week, which will be administered from Monday to Wednesday next week.

“As you can imagine, the logistics behind scheduling caregivers in different departments at different times secures an army of trained vaccinated people, while the pharmacy team keeps all parties safe. , We guarantee that the dose is thawed and ready to be diluted. Dr. Jeff Absalon, Chief Doctor Executive of St. Charles, said:

“I am very grateful to the hundreds of caregivers who have stepped up to make this day possible, and many of our caregivers will soon have much stronger protection against this horrific virus. I’m excited to get it. “

St. Charles said he is working closely with the Oregon Department of Health and the local public health sector on the next steps in planning vaccine deployments to community health providers, EMS agencies and others at the forefront of the battle. It was.

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