Does the COVID-19 vaccine need to understand the future of flight?
The COVID-19 vaccine may be the beginning of the end of a pandemic, but for airlines it is the beginning of a debate about how the vaccine will affect the future of flight and whether it will be considered.
The debate gained momentum after Qantas CEO Alan Joyce said in November that Australian Airlines would require international passengers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
“We need to figure out what will happen to COVID-19 and the market, whether or not it is needed domestically, but I think it is necessary for foreign visitors and people leaving the country.” Joyce said. CBS News..
Immediately after his remark, this appeared on the Qantas website. “The Australian Government strongly supports vaccination and carries out strong campaigns to encourage vaccination, but it is not mandatory and individuals can choose not to vaccinate. However, the Australian Government and other governments However, it may introduce border entry or re-entry requirements subject to vaccination certification.
“Other countries, and perhaps airlines, may require vaccination against Covid-19 before admitting entry. This has already happened in yellow fever and polio in some parts of the world. I am. ”
Perhaps Joyce went too far, but other airlines were able to support the play.
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The question is: Do US airlines need vaccines? Do airlines do that? How do they do it? Should the public just submit the impact and multiply it?
Answers to each of these questions: Maybe.
Here are some factors to consider when starting a vaccine deployment:
Do airlines need vaccines?
Sharonahoffmann, a professor of bioethics and co-director of the Forensic Center at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, said he was able to do so. That doesn’t mean airlines do.
The lack of federal obligations to wear masks forced airlines to establish their own obligations. As a private sector, they can. The same goes for vaccines, Hoffman said.
According to her, there are exceptions (“curve out”) to take into account already established protections, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Add to this the Airline Access Act and Ministry of Transport regulations, Mario R. Bordeaux. Clark Hill Law Office I wrote it by email. “The act has certain indiscriminate clauses, [in the] Rules. Some of these provisions are similar to ADA, and passengers should provide medical evidence that airlines must be tested in the same way as private employers and are exempt from vaccination requirements for flight. I can. ”
Do airlines need vaccines?
The vaccine may be a bullet, but it is not necessarily a silver bullet. why?
First, the anti-baker. According to Lancet’s article, their number seems to be increasing.Medical journals quoted numbers from the Digital Hatred Center showing that people who don’t believe in vaccines are “increasing their presence on social media, including 31 million people.” [who] Following the anti-vaccine group on Facebook, 17 million people subscribe to similar accounts on YouTube. ”
Next, general skepticism among Americans. About 58% of respondents to the November Gallup poll said they would shoot. This is an increase from the previous number in September, which only half of Americans said they would. The country remains concerned about the speed at which the vaccine was developed, which may not have been helped by the “Operation Warp Speed” project name.
Instead, Roger Dow, chief executive officer of the American Travel Association, said he believes the vaccine is only part of a multifaceted effort to eradicate the virus. The United States has used a multi-layered approach to address the threat of terrorism, and the country should consider the same on this issue.
“Vaccines, tests, protocols at hotels, the situation of travelers doing everything needs to be reached,” he said earlier this month as part of a panel of the World Travel and Tourism Council.One Voice: to Recovery and Beyond “Webinar..
And finally, and perhaps most importantly, “potential customer backlash that airlines face financially and reputationally when enacting vaccine requirements,” Bordeaux said. “These practicalities may determine what happens first before the law.”
How do airlines monitor whether travelers have been vaccinated?
Several apps are working, including Travel pass From International Air Transport Assn.,and GeneralpathIn combination with Commons project And that World Economic Forum.. These apps will tell you if your records meet the requirements of your destination. They can be used for vaccination and test information. Both say your information remains private.
Should the public be vaccinated?
It’s a personal choice.If you are desperate to travel and the vaccine prevents COVID-19, yes — assume the vaccination is safe (allergic reactions have been reported among several First recipient in the UKAnd it’s easy to prove that you’ve been vaccinated and retain your right to privacy.
After all, it’s about your freedom, and strangely enough. Some believe that having to vaccinate to wear a mask affects your freedom. For others, vaccination is the key to regaining your freedom and boosting your spirit by doing what you like: traveling. Now it’s a shot in the arm.
Do you have travel issues, questions, or dilemmas?Write to [email protected].. We are sorry, but we cannot answer all inquiries.
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