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Mass euthanasia of 27 monkeys a day at NASA Research Center brought activists to life

Mass euthanasia of 27 monkeys a day at NASA Research Center brought activists to life


Animal rights activists have been rejuvenated after NASA has shown that they have killed all their monkeys in one day, according to a recent report.

Report by Parents The US space agency has revealed that it has killed a total of 27 primates by administering drugs to primates at the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California on February 2, 2019. The report further states that the monkey is 21 years old and has Parkinson’s disease. Information is provided through documents published under US Information Disclosure Law.

Stephanie Solis, CEO of LifeSource BioMedical, explained their behavior and said the monkeys were handed over to the lab many years ago because they couldn’t find a suitable sanctuary due to their poor age and health. LifeSource BioMedical provides NASA with a variety of technical services and housing / livestock options.

Solis also agrees to accept animals, acts as a sanctuary, and takes care of everything until old age and poor health lead to a humane euthanasia decision to avoid “poor quality of life.” Said that he provided it at his own expense. Also CEO of LifeSource BioMedical Parents No monkey studies were conducted while in Ames.

The report has also received critical feedback from animal lovers and the US House of Representatives. Kathleen Rice said in a statement from the US House of Representatives in New York that she wrote to NASA administrator Jim Bridenstin asking for an explanation of the monkey’s murder.

Democratic leaders have told US government researchers to urge researchers to switch to a more humane way of dealing with animals that are no longer needed for research purposes. She added that she expects NASA administrator Bridenstin to explain why the animals were killed in captivity when they were able to survive in the sanctuary.

Relationship between NASA and animals It has been the same since the company was founded. NASA sent animals such as chimpanzees, dogs, and monkeys into space before sending humans to test the effects of weightlessness in space. The first monkeys to jump into space went through the V-2 Blossom launched into space on June 11, 1948, with Albert I from White Sands, New Mexico. It was a rhesus monkey.

According to NASA, another monkey was sent on June 14, 1949, on a second V-2 flight carrying a living monkey, Albert II of the Air Force Aviation Medical Institute. The monkey died in shock.


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