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The worst month of December in the COVID-19 pandemic

The worst month of December in the COVID-19 pandemic
The worst month of December in the COVID-19 pandemic


According to the report, December is the most deadly month for the coronavirus since the pandemic began. Data edited by Johns Hopkins University..

The United States has recorded more than 63,000 deaths so far this month. April was previously the worst month of the pandemic, killing more than 55,000 people. According to the COVID tracking projectThe number of deaths exceeded that number in just three weeks in December, as temperatures dropped, people gathered on holidays, and incidents surged.

The United States is looking, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins Over 19 million coronavirus cases More than 330,000 deaths from COVID-19.

Chairman Elect Joe BidenJoe BidenBrothers of Biden’s adviser Ricketti hired as a lobbyist on Amazon Sunday shows preview: COVID-19 relief waiting for Trump’s signature.Government continues to deploy vaccines Global COVID-19 cases exceed 80 million More Warning last week The pandemic warned Americans to be vigilant, saying that even if the vaccine arrived, it would get worse before it got better.

“I’ll tell you the truth, and here’s the simple truth. The darkest day in the fight against COVID is in front of us, not behind us,” Biden said at a press conference on Tuesday. It was.

“It’s frustrating to hear, but it takes patience, tenacity, and determination to defeat the virus. There won’t be wasted time taking the necessary steps to turn the crisis around,” he said. Added.

Anthony FauciAnthony FauciSunday shows preview: COVID-19 relief waiting for Trump’s signature.Government continues to deploy vaccines First responders serenade Fouch with “Happy Birthday” AIDS activists recruit Barbra Streisand for Surprise Forch’s birthday party at Zoom More, Sunday, Top U.S. Infectious Disease Experts I agreed with the evaluationWarns that the United States may see the worst pandemic in the coming weeks.

“We’ve been from late autumn to early winter, so that number is really very annoying,” Forch said.

“With over 120,000 hospitalizations, we are at a really important stage,” he added.

The two vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna have been approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and more than one million people have been vaccinated to date. Reportedly, more than 9 million vaccines have been shipped.

The federal government had set a goal of immunizing about 20 million people by the end of the year, but that goal no longer seems to be achieved.

In late November, when news of coronavirus vaccine approval was imminent, former NATO commander James Stabridis wrote in a Fortune editorial: Had to make changes To the government’s plan for vaccine distribution.

Stabridis was troubled by the fact that only one company, McKeson, was tasked with distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. He said the government needed more companies to protect it from potential failures in its distribution plans.

However, even with promising developments such as vaccines, new challenges continue to arise. New, more contagious strains of coronavirus have been detected in the United Kingdom and South Africa, and many countries have restricted or banned round-trip travel to these countries. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently demanded that British air travelers test negative for coronavirus when traveling to the United States.

On Sunday, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb interviewed CBS’s Face the Nation about the new stock. Probably already in the US Vaccine distribution is likely to be hampered by hard-to-reach communities, Gottlieb said. He suspected that more people were vaccinated than reported because of delayed data collection.

“But the idea of ​​getting 20 million vaccines and vaccinations by the end of the year is probably unrealistic at this point,” Gottlieb said.

However, Gottlieb predicted that the availability of vaccines through pharmacy chains such as Walgreens and CVS would have a significant impact on vaccine distribution.

The order in which people receive vaccines is left to the state government to decide. Many state governments are still working on how to determine the order.Governor of Ohio Mike DeWineMike DeWineSunday shows preview: COVID-19 relief waiting for Trump’s signature.Government continues to deploy vaccines DeWine says Ohio teachers and school staff will be the next group to get the COVID-19 vaccine Progressive rally over Turners House bids More (R) Recently announced Teachers and school staff are in the next row To get the vaccine.


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