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Earthquake hits Croatia, one death Newcastle Herald

Earthquake hits Croatia, one death  Newcastle Herald



world News

A powerful earthquake struck central Croatia, killing at least one person and severely damaging homes and other buildings in a town southeast of the capital. The Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Center said a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck 46 km southeast of Zagreb on Tuesday. Initial reports said the earthquake caused massive damage, collapsing roofs, building façades, and even entire buildings. A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck the same area on Monday, and residents felt several smaller aftershocks on Tuesday. The state Croatian Broadcasting Corporation said that a young girl died in the town of Petrinia, southeast of the capital, which was severely affected by the earthquake. Other Croatian media reported the death, citing the town’s mayor. “The Petringa Center, as it was before, no longer exists,” the authority said in its report. “A girl died, and there are injuries and people are inside collapsed buildings,” she added. Mayor of Petringa Darenko Dembovic released a statement on HRT TV. “My town has been completely destroyed and we have children dead,” he said. “This is like Hiroshima – half of the city doesn’t exist anymore.” The city has been demolished, and the city is no longer livable. “We need help.” Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and other cabinet ministers arrived in Petrinia after the earthquake. Regional TV station N1 reported live from the town Tuesday that a collapsed building had fallen onto a car. The footage showed firefighters trying to remove debris to reach the car buried underneath. A man and a boy were rescued from the car and taken to an ambulance. Bricks and dust were scattered across the streets, and many homes were completely destroyed. The Croatian Army is deployed to assist in the rescue operation. Croatian seismologist Kresimir Kok described the quake as “extremely strong”, much stronger than the other earthquake that struck Zagreb and the surrounding areas in March. He warned people not to move away from old buildings that could be shaky and move to newer areas of the city due to aftershocks. In Zagreb, people took to the streets and parks in fear, with reports of some leaving the city, ignoring the travel ban imposed due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. The earthquake was felt across the country and in neighboring Serbia, Bosnia and Slovenia. The Austrian news agency reported that the earthquake was felt in places as far away as Graz in southern Austria. Authorities in Slovenia said the Krsko nuclear power plant was temporarily shut down following the earthquake. The power plant is jointly owned by Slovenia and Croatia and is located near their borders. Australian Associated Press


December 30, 2020 – 12:43 am

A powerful earthquake struck central Croatia, killing at least one person and severely damaging homes and other buildings in a town southeast of the capital.

The Euro-Mediterranean Seismic Center said a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck 46 km southeast of Zagreb on Tuesday.

Initial reports said the earthquake caused massive damage, collapsing roofs, building façades, and even entire buildings.

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck the same area on Monday, and residents felt several smaller aftershocks on Tuesday.

The state Croatian Broadcasting Corporation said that a young girl died in the town of Petrinia, southeast of the capital, which was severely affected by the earthquake.

Other Croatian media reported the death, citing the town’s mayor.

“The Petringa Center, as it was before, no longer exists,” the authority said in its report.

“A girl died, and there are injuries and people are inside collapsed buildings,” she added.

Mayor of Petringa Darenko Dembovic released a statement on HRT TV.

“My town has been completely destroyed and we have children dead,” he said.

“This is like Hiroshima – half of the city no longer exists.

“The city has been destroyed, and the city is no longer livable.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and other cabinet ministers arrived in Petrinia after the earthquake.

Regional TV station N1 reported live from the town Tuesday that a collapsed building had fallen onto a car.

The footage showed firefighters trying to remove debris to reach the car buried underneath.

A man and a boy were rescued from the car and taken to an ambulance.

Bricks and dust were scattered across the streets, and many homes were completely destroyed.

The Croatian Army is deployed to assist in the rescue operation.

Croatian seismologist Kresimir Kok described the quake as “extremely strong”, much stronger than the other earthquake that struck Zagreb and the surrounding areas in March.

He warned people not to move away from old buildings that could be shaky and move to newer areas of the city due to aftershocks.

In Zagreb, people took to the streets and parks in fear, with news of some leaving the city, ignoring the travel ban imposed due to the outbreak of the Corona virus.

The earthquake was felt across the country and in neighboring Serbia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

The Austrian news agency reported that the earthquake was felt in places as far away as Graz in southern Austria.

Authorities in Slovenia said the Krsko nuclear power plant was temporarily shut down following the earthquake.

The power plant is jointly owned by Slovenia and Croatia and is located near their borders.

Australian Associated Press

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