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Bollywood singer Badshah responds to the controversy of Ratan Kahar


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Rapper Badshah was taken aback by the plagiarism charges brought against him over his new single Genda Phool, regarding the Bengali folk song by Ratan Kahars Boroloker Biti Lo. The rapper wants to make things better by making a song with the veteran folk artist to do him justice.

He also plans to have it registered with copyright organizations and to record all of his work, so that he can obtain royalties.

Living far from the spotlight in a state of poverty in the town of Siuri in the districts of Birbhum with his family, Kahar found himself in the spotlight because of his all-time Bengali folk success Boroloker Biti Lo, which he created in 1972 thanks to Badshah and the virtual world.

Badshah used parts of the song in his new single, Genda Phool. Shortly after the song was released, netizens pointed out that parts of the song had been removed from popular popular hit in Bangla in the 1970s. Acting quickly, the rapper reached out to Kahar and deposited 500,000 rupees on the bank account of experienced folk artists.

When asked if the controversy had caught him off guard, Badshah is sad: yes, of course, he did. But my team and I had done our full research on the sample before using the sound, did our due diligence and everywhere it was mentioned as a traditional folk song.

There was no disc existing on any of the previous versions of shri Kahar as lyricist and that is why we continued and used the sound in the first place. However, within days, we started to be labeled in numerous articles and publications that suggested otherwise according to popular belief and still without documented evidence. But when I saw and heard his story, whatever the credits, I think it was one of the gems that should have been preserved and taken care of. My team contacted him through some of the people who had led his story because I really wanted to get him the recognition he deserves, he added.

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Badshah continued: A lot of work has obviously been difficult due to the current lockdown, but as soon as things are back, I plan to visit him and ask him to make a song with us that Sony Music India publish and do everything I can do from the same fraternity, financially or otherwise. But I really wish and hope it has been taken care of, being the traditional legacy that it is. I’m from Punjab and we really feed and celebrate our legends here and it was sad to see Shri Kahar in the situation he is right now. Hopefully it will make a difference.

Due to the lock, Badshah spoke to him on a video call.

He is like any of our kind and extremely affectionate elders. He sang some of his songs for me, blessed me and I promised him that I will see him and do everything I can to celebrate and take care of his legacy. Make a new song with him and go justice to it. If necessary, have him copyrighted and register his works and all that is necessary for him to collect his royalties. It was sad to see that an artist of his stature was in such a situation.

As a basic gesture, Badshah has deposited Rs500,000 into his account and wants to do more.

Once I visit her after the lockdown, I will try to understand exactly where her difficulties lie, in terms of the health or education of her children, and I will take steps to help her further. It’s the least and a matter of honor and pride, I can do, of the new generation of musicians for one of our traditional music legends, said the rap star.

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