NIA interrogates 10 people arrested in IS terrorist module case
Chennai, March 4 (IANS) The National Investigation Agency (NIA) said on Wednesday it had interviewed 10 people arrested for their alleged involvement in the conspiracy to carry out a war against India with the help of the terrorist group IS.
An NIA spokesperson in Delhi said he interviewed Pachaiyappan, a resident of Kanchipuram, Rajesh, a resident of Chennai, Anbarasan a resident of rural Salem, A. Abdul Rahiman and Liyakath Ali of Salem city, Mohammed Haneef Khan and Imran Khan of Bengaluru, Mohammed Zaid of Kolar, Ejaz Pasha of Bengaluru and Hussain Shariff, who were detained by the NIA for six days until March 3.
The case was originally registered by the Tamil Nadu police under sections of the IPC, UAPA and the Arms Law against Pachaiyappan, Rajesh and their associates for fraudulently obtaining mobile SIM cards on false identities.
"They were planning a conspiracy with Khaja Mohideen, a member of the Islamic State, a resident of Cuddalore, and his associates to carry out illegal activities to advance the objectives of the Islamic State in India," said the spokesperson.
He said during the investigation that it was revealed that Pachaiyappan, Rajesh, Anbarasan and Rahiman had fraudulently activated the SIM cards purchased by Liyakath in Chennai and Salem, and had supplied them to Moideen for illegal activities as part of the plot hatched in Tamil Nadu last year.
Haneef, Imran, Zaid, Pasha and Shariff had helped Moideen acquire weapons and equipment to establish a base in the forests of southern India to carry out a violent jihad in India, said the NIA official. .
The official said the investigation had revealed that Haneef and Imran had taken Moideen with his associates Abdul Samad from Cuddalore and Syed Ali Navas from Toothukudi districts outside India from Bangalore on December 12 of 39; last year.
"Moideen and his associates later returned to India with the intention of carrying out jihad and were arrested by the special Delhi police cell on January 8," he said.
"Jaid helped Moideen communicate with his online manager on messaging and encrypted messaging platforms on the dark web to uncover the conspiracy to carry out terrorist attacks in India by recruiting more members from the terrorist gang and by providing weapons training outside of India, "said the official. .
He added that Pasha had helped Moideen and co-conspirator Mehboob Pasha of Bengaluru to illegally obtain pistols and ammunition that had been recovered.
"Shariff had stored in his house in Bengaluru part of the equipment bought by Moideen and his associates to live in the forests in order to carry out a violent Islamic jihad," he said.
During the police custody of the 10 accused, evidence of their participation in the conspiracy and following overt acts was collected, which will be submitted to the NIA Special Court in Chennai.
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Warning :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is automatically generated from news agency feeds. Source: IANS
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