The magnificent benefactor Donald Trump gives 1 / 6th of a golf trip to fight against the coronavirus. Hi the magnificent benefactor Trump!
The White House made another of its exciting announcements of Donald Trump's incredible generosity towards America, tweeting yesterday that the big man had "donated" his salary for the current economic quarter to the Department of Health and Social Services, to help fight the coronavirus. What a wonderful man God chose to be our dear leader!
This $ 100,000 check will certainly go far! Even if you consider that it will have to be divided into $ 33,333.33 segments to confront, contain and fight the virus.
And, as we have already noted, it also means that Trump can take a nice tax deduction every time he "donates" his salary to a federal agency, it's like we pay it twice. It’s a small way to thank him for all he has done at for us, right?
At the risk of being a big mess over the "president's" generosity, "we should probably also note that the $ 100,000 donation is a teenage drop in the bucket compared to the billions of dollars in reductions that Trump has proposed. for federal public health infrastructure. These proposed reductions included $ 1.9 billion from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of which $ 25 million would be taken from "public health preparedness and response". And another $ 3 billion from the National Institutes of Health, HHS research arm. On top of all that, Trump wanted halve the contribution of the United States to the World Health Organization, for another $ 3 billion in cuts.
So my God, his "gift" of $ 100,000 would be like trying to fill a huge budget hole with a very, very little finger.
Ah, but we can hear you think that these cuts were never approved through Congress, isn't Trump really providing a real boost to real money to fight coronaviruses? Sure thing! It's better than nothing but damn close to nothing, given that Congress is working on a bill to allocate $ 7.5 billion for the coronavirus response. But of course, Trump's generosity should cover some N-95 respirators and a few bags of saline. $ 100,000 may not be enough to cover all of the costs of a patient with an off-grid hospital bill, but every little bit helps.
For a bit of perspective, we should also note that Donald Trump an average golf outing costs about $ 600,000, although that varies depending on whether he takes Air Force One to Washington from his center in Bedminster, New Jersey, or to his garbage palace in Florida. As the Washington Post revealed in February, Trump companies have billed the Secret Service for almost half a million dollars since 2017, and it is only the costs that could actually be traced, an unknown amount is still hidden. And that leaves out the $ 13.8 million in local security fees accrued by Palm Beach County for its visits to Mar-a-Lago, of which $ 10 million has so far been paid by taxpayers.
And let's not even talk about the Trump takes advantage of his own fat reduction tax for Rich Fuckwads, which represented a nice bonus of between 11 and 22 million dollars per year for Trump; the exact amount is unclear as we will never see his taxes while his tiny greasy Big Mac hands are on the levers of government.
Yet everyone salutes the Great Man, whose generosity is only limited by his puny presidential salary of $ 400,000 a year. It is certainly not his failing not to pay it more.
((Vox / Golf News Network / WaPo / Americans for tax fairness)
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