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Some rural areas are leaders in the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccineExBulletin

Some rural areas are leaders in the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccineExBulletin


Gene Bracegirdle was relieved to receive the first dose of the vaccine recently in the Colorado countryside.

Matt Bloom / KUNC


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Matt Bloom / KUNC

Gene Bracegirdle was relieved to receive the first dose of the vaccine recently in the Colorado countryside.

Matt Bloom / KUNC

In a small town in Oak Creek, Corona (3 hours drive from Denver, assuming the roads are clear), a firefighter and EMT trained Gene Bracegirdle receives the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. I am.

“The fact that it’s here is kind of astounding, as if they were careful enough to reach out to the local community,” says Bracegirdle.

Vaccine has arrived at Oak Creek Via blue igloo cooler At a new mobile clinic established by the local Routt County Health Department.Used official CARES law money To get things done. The task at hand is huge. Health officials need to distribute shots to a population of approximately 25,000, spanning 2,300 square miles in northwestern Colorado.

“It’s exciting to see the initiative being taken,” says Bracegirdle.

In many parts of the country, the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine is sporadic and sometimes chaotic. However, some rural communities that have historically had difficulty getting medical care report success stories early on.

“It’s early, but I think what we can get rid of in the last two weeks is that states that prioritize rural areas tend to be more successful in rural areas,” said Alan Morgan, CEO of the Japan Health Insurance Association. I will.

In some rural areas, there are fewer logistical hurdles to deal with and fewer vaccinations, Morgan said.

As with Kittitas County, Washington, public health officials report providing shots to almost all front-line key workers, nursing home residents, and staff. More than 1,300 people are taking it, and their number is expected to increase further on Friday.

“In terms of the complexity and scope of the problem, we are not dealing with something like King County. [in] The Seattle area, “said Rich Elliott, a county vaccine distribution dignitary.

Elliott is also the Deputy Fire Chief of Kititas, who has recently experienced many wildfire emergencies. Emergency management agencies were able to quickly adopt many of the same protocols, triage from their wilderness fire response plans, and move to vaccine distribution.

They are now in the enviable position of having some additional doses in this first phase — enough for them to recently distribute shots to 75 high-risk teachers. However, Elliott says he is trying not to get too far ahead of the gradual distribution plans in the surrounding counties and Washington.

“If a healthcare worker in a busy Seattle hospital can’t get the vaccine, it doesn’t look good. We’re giving vaccinations to our teachers so we don’t waste the vaccine,” says Elliott.

This illustrates a large variation in availability from one county to the next. And that’s why public health officials warn against over-reading these obvious early local success stories.

Recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Regional states such as Maine, Montana, West Virginia, and The Dakotas show that they are leading the country in per capita vaccine distribution. But that may be because those states are reporting numbers more quickly.

According to the National Rural Health Association, 40% of all Texas regional hospitals are still No access To one of the shots. Morgan, CEO of the association, said healthcare providers need to be more transparent and share data so they can see what’s working and what’s not. It states.

The retiring Trump administration leaves pandemic management to the state.

“What I’m really worried about is going to April and May when the public can get this. Where will the countryside be at that point,” says Morgan.

He is worried that the US countryside will continue to be hit harder than the American city in terms of hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

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