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Focused ultrasound can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Focused ultrasound can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Focused ultrasound can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease


Focused ultrasound may help relieve symptoms in patients affected by Parkinson’s disease on one side of the body, according to a new study from the University of Virginia Health System.

Focused ultrasound, which creates therapeutic lesions in the deep brain structure, is a good option by targeting the subthalamic nucleus, which is the preferred deep brain nucleus, for patients who do not respond well to medication but do not want to undergo conventional neurosurgery. Can be. A stimulus target for treating the characteristic motor function associated with Parkinson’s disease.

“This small area of ​​the subthalamic nucleus, when targeted with accurate and focused ultrasound energy, had a very powerful and powerful effect on the symptoms of Parkinsonism,” said UVA Health’s neurosurgeon. Dr. Jeff Elias, MD, a surgeon, said. “The key to ultimately adopting this new procedure is further improvements in technology to ensure reliability and security.”

He and his team released their findings on the effectiveness of focused ultrasound on December 24th. New England Journal of Medicine..

Elias’ team teamed up with 40 patients with apparently asymmetric Parkinson’s disease who were completely out of control with drug therapy and were not eligible for deep brain stimulation to test how well the techniques and procedures worked. Has registered. They randomly assigned groups in a 2: 1 ratio and underwent focused ultrasound hypothalamic incision or sham surgery on the opposite side of the main motor signs. Twenty-seven people underwent focused ultrasound and 13 underwent sham surgery.

After the procedure, the team compared the Athletic Disorders Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) exercise scores at baseline and after 4 months for both groups. Scores ranged from 0 to 44, indicating that the higher the score, the worse the illness, focusing on the differences on the more affected side of the body when the patient was not taking the drug.

Based on their assessment, among patients who received focused ultrasound, their MDS-UPDRS score dropped from baseline 19.9 to 9.9 after 4 months. In the control group, a much smaller change was seen with only a decrease from 18.7 to 17.1. The team said the overall difference between the teams was 8.1.

In addition to improving scores, some patients experienced adverse events such as spontaneous movement impairment, therapeutic weakness, speech impairment, facial weakness, and gait disturbance. Most of these cases disappeared over time.

Despite these improvements, UVA’s assistant professor of neurology, Binit Shah, MD, said more research was needed in larger patient groups over a longer period of time.

“Parkinson’s disease affects patients in many ways, not just tremor,” he said. “The current FDA approval for focused ultrasound in Parkinson’s disease treats tremor only. By targeting this new area, we not only improve tremor, but the entire patient that was previously achieved. You can get a real profit. “


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