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Five actors who should play Chris Cuomo in a film


Just don’t call him Fredo, because Chris Cuomo would probably go on another rant about how being called a fictional character from The Godfather is like giving a racial slur to everyone else from a different background. It’s funny, but the racial insult to Italian-Americans started long ago with the letter “d”, although I don’t say it here because it’s rather inappropriate. All the same, Cuomo spent a lot of his time on television, and yet the only incident in which he exploded on another person outside of an establishment somewhat tarnished everything he had done so far. now since he lost his temper towards someone over something that was perhaps one of the most futile attempts to assert his Italian heritage was one of the worst mistakes he could have committed at the present time. Although many people can look the other way and let it go, it is still there to be heard and watched by many and the fact is that it does not always do what it preaches on television.

Here are five individuals who could possibly play the role of Chris Cuomo.

5. Sebastian Stan

Sebastian has proven to be very great since moving from biographical films to superhero films without any problems in the transition and he has also shown that he can play a role because he has to be played. Even though I didn’t think Tonya was as great as some have done, Sebastian is still a gifted actor and it is very likely that he could get into this role, maybe a little more if necessary, and really nail it without any difficulty. Sure, it could be that if the lockdown finally ends, he would be a little busy when that day finally arrives, but I hope he would be one of those who would receive the call.

4. Hugh Dancy

With all of these choices, it was an attempt to find someone who could adapt to Cuomo’s physical stature and possibly also temper. Hugh might actually have to take up some volume for the role, but despite being a strange choice, he would still be someone who could fit well into the spot. There will always be at least one strange choice among the group and Dancy is definitely the case, but he has proven himself more than once and it is easy to think that he could fit in this role and even take the Cuomo’s look if he did it to. At the very least, he has the skill and the ability to do it.

3. Joel Edgerton

Joel is one of those strange actors who don’t always look like the person he is supposed to represent, but people still accept him because he is a very good actor and lets people believe that he is worth worth staying there just because of, well …. the reasons. He is engaged so many roles that people may have felt bad for him and kicked him out of the park that it would not be an exaggeration to think that he would be able to take on the appearance of Cuomo and give the same kind of efforts that impressed many people over the years. It’s strange that sometimes he feels like he’s not from a movie, and yet he always finds a way to change people’s minds.

2. Hugh Jackman

For someone who can be aggressive and who can have a big voice, it’s one of the names you’ve been talking to since Hugh Jackman was a pillar in Hollywood for more than her role as Wolverine over the years. He’s the kind of guy who can be calm, composed, cool and even funny on occasion, but he can also project his voice in a way that looks like Cuomo, and if the movie had a particular moment, then you know that Jackman could represent him without fail. On top of that, a lot of people just like to see it on the screen, no matter what it is.

1. Nathan Fillion

Nathan could be another strange type of choice, because being aggressive isn’t always his thing. But it’s a plus because Cuomo either, although he seems to be able to pick up at any time if someone tells him the wrong thing. That and the fact that Fillion played a variety of roles would make him great for that, maybe not perfect but certainly worthy enough to be on the list. Plus, he’s been the kind of guy you like or hate, so he’s definitely the type people would like to see as a person.

These are my choices anyway, I would love to hear from others.

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