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American Idol Recap Season 18, episode 11: Invisible stories and performances come out of the top 20


Fans wonder how “American Idol” going to manage filming during the coronavirus pandemic got their response while Ryan Seacrest, in front of a pretty tropical setting, presented the two-week event “This Is Me”.

For this weekend and next weekend, the show delves into the lives and stories of its top 20 competitors, giving viewers a chance to better connect with them as people, and to give themselves time to hope that the orders to stay at home are lifted or they can find another way to proceed to the American vote.

For now, however, it was a question of meeting these faces – some of whom had plenty of time in the weeks leading up to the reveal of the Top 20, and others who did not. It was probably the late deflagrants who did not hit the judges’ radars until much later in the competition.

Since then is not a competition this week, you might think we are not going to rank them, but you are wrong. We’re going to do it anyway, because … well, what else are we going to do?

This time, however, it is not so much what we see of them this week, but their story so far, each performance we have seen and what we think they are capable of. .

We will rank them based on what we think their overall potential is in this competition, effectively predicting the order we think they should go home. In our opinion, who should investigate this matter and who is ready to see the door? There is only one way to find out.

Just warning, since I’m safe at home, I’m probably going to be a little harsher than my colleagues Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan.


Nick Merico

(24, Woodland Hills, California) Nick has gained in humility on this journey, which is an incredible gift. Our concern is that he is pretty and has a pleasant voice, but what is he left with? There is a lack of connection between him and the audience when he sings. In addition, you can say that there is more power in his voice tank, as if he is still holding back a little. If he could get out of his head and really, really go wild, he could find it, but he hasn’t done it yet.

Lauren Spencer-Smith

(16, Vancouver Island, Canada) Going viral on social media in 2019 made him want to pursue music seriously, but we’re here for his song Katy Perry at a talent show as a kid. She even took up this song from Gaga as part of her initial audition in a bit that we haven’t seen. It was so sincere and so moving that you could see why the judges were so in love with her. This connection was authentic.

Olivia Ximines

(17, Menifee, California) After this compilation package, we get it a little more with Olivia. It can be uneven and pitchy sometimes, yes, but it can also be sublime and beautiful vocally sometimes. If she can improve her consistency as a performer and continue to define herself musically, she could be a lot of fun to watch in this competition. We are just not sure that she is polite or complete enough as an artist to go very far, unless she quickly understands it.

Makayla Phillips

(17, Temecula, California) With one of the biggest voices in the competition, there is nothing to criticize about Makayla’s talent. But we do know of the story “Idol” – Jennifer Hudson! – that big voices do not always succeed well if they are not associated with a signature identity. Makayla has yet to find his own, although this Hawaii storefront may have been a step in the right direction. At this point, however, on a season of incredibly talented singers, we’re not sure she’s had enough other in the tank to make it the highest level

Julia Gargano

(21, Staten Island, NY) A true artist from the moment she first sat on the piano, Julia gives this Adèle the authenticity of her vocal performances, in resonance with the words, the message and the audience. As a good songwriter too, she brings this perspective to the covers, which allows her to appropriate them in a way that some competitors never master very well. Julia is to watch, even if she will have to be careful what she interprets (especially when the themed weeks come into play) to navigate the towers in the middle.

Sophia James (née Wackerman)

(20, Long Beach, California) Already a powerful performer and one of the show’s most competent artists, Sophia brought a whole new atmosphere to Hawaii which catapulted her to an imminent threat for all the other candidates. She showed unexpected diversity and range, as well as a playfulness that we had not yet seen from her. As if it were possible, she always grows as a performer on stage, while attracting us just with her sensual and thick voice. In addition, we love that she honors her brother by taking his name as his new stage name. This is the one we will be watching for a while.

Franklin Boone

(27, Durham, North Carolina) Luke was right that Franklin could be as close to Alejandro Aranda (finalist from last season) as this season will find him. She is an incredibly sweet soul and that translates into her music and style on stage. With a groan and breathtaking delivery, Franklin already has his own style and signature. He’s the artist, he’s just waiting for us to fall in love, and I think we will.

“Just Sam” Diaz

(21, Harlem, NY) She is so pure, so magical, just … well, it’s Just Sam. One of the most serious and sweetest people to have honored the scene, Sam doubles that with an incredible voice filled with pain, of power and passion at the same time. It is authenticity like you cannot buy in a store. Sam has something magical about it, and even though she just grew up from her first audition in Hawaii, we’re so excited to see how far she goes. Our prediction? Very far away.

Jonny west

(23, Murietta, California) With natural talent and humility, Jonny is someone you just want to bond with. This package reminded us of how many tools he had in his musical arsenal, which should make him exciting to watch in the weeks to come. But more importantly, it made us feel again, even in the clips we have seen before. It is a rare gift to express an emotion live, and another level to do it through a screen. He is a determined candidate to go all the way.

Arthur Gunn

(21, Wichita, KS) From the first note that came out of his mouth, Arthur was our favorite to win. Combine his incredible artistic talent with his incredible story and it is all about “Idol”. But is it too good, too signature in its sound? Think of the “Idol” legacy of incredible finalists as more conventional talent wins. We’re talking about names like Adam Lambert, Crystal Bowersox, Caleb Lee Hutchinson and (of course) Alejandro from last season. Nevertheless, it is still our forerunner!

“American Idol” continues next Sunday at 8 p.m. AND on ABC.

Do you have a story or advice to give us? Email the TooFab editors at [email protected].

37 memorable “American Idol” candidates: yesterday and today

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