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Film crews working on Hollywood blockbusters donate thousands of PPE to NHS staff at The Sun


FILM studio teams donated personal protective equipment to the NHS.

Construction and painting staff realized that their kit would benefit hospital staff.

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    The film crews who worked on The Witcher donated thousands of PPE to NHS personnel fighting the coronavirus
The film crews who worked on The Witcher donated thousands of PPE to NHS personnel fighting the coronavirusCredit: AP: Associated Press

Teams are working on better movies and shows such as the Netflix series The Witcher, with Henry Cavill being discontinued due to the coronavirus.

Major study teams, including Pinewood, Leavesden and Arborfield studios, have brought thousands of new gloves, goggles, coveralls and masks to hospitals at Berks and Herts.

A source told The Sun: The industry as a whole has come together. We work in all Pinewood, Leavesden and all other studios.

We make all the sets for the big Hollywood blockbusters shot in England.

Little Mermaid, Jurassic World were in Pinewood but they were interrupted, while Leavesden made The Batman and their work stopped

The work of the Arberfield studios also stopped on season two of Netflixs Witcher.

Our daily work we use NHS rubber gloves and paper coveralls and lots of masks and there are even respiratory masks. His personal protective equipment.

Give now to the NHS call from the Sun

BRITAINES four million NHS members are on the front line in the fight against coronaviruses.

But while they are helping to save lives, who is there to help them?

Le Soleil appealed to raise $ 1 million for NHS workers.

The call from Who Cares Wins aims to gain vital support from staff in their hour of need.

We have partnered with NHS Charities Together in their urgent Covid-19 appeal to ensure that the money reaches exactly who needs it.

The Sun is donating 50,000 and we would like YOU to help us raise a million pounds to help them.

No matter how little you can save, please donate today here

They have tons and loads of stuff sitting in the studios, the group got together and asked the direction of the movies and it was unlocked so that PPE equipment could be donated to the NHS.

Similar shows in America like Grays Anatomy and The Good Doctor have also followed suit.

A spokesperson for Netflix, which makes The Witcher, told The Sun: I can confirm that this is the case and that the donation was made to the intensive care unit of the Royal Berkshire Hospital & South Central Ambulance Service.

    Construction and painting staff realized their kit would benefit hospital staff
Construction and painting staff realized their kit would benefit hospital staffCredits: Getty Images – Getty


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