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EXCLUSIVE | Actor Jack Shalloo says ‘Belgravia’ is a bit darker than ‘Downton Abbey’ but the US will love it


One of the first things about ‘Belgravia’ that caught the fancy of actor Jack Shalloo was his exploration of class and society in Britain in the 1800s. Based on the book of the same name by Julian Fellowes, the period drama comes from the creators of the award-winning ITV series “Downton Abbey”.

‘Belgravia’, which takes place in the 1800s, begins at the Duchess of Richmond’s ball, where the daughter of the Trenchards Sophia (Emily Reid) marks an invitation. Sophia is involved with the son of an incredibly wealthy family, Edmund Bellasis. The saga that begins at this ball should haunt the Trenchards for years to come as they try everything in their power to hide the truth.

The period drama is beautifully shot showing the immense wealth and luxury of the Belgravia district and its inhabitants. But more than that, it was a pleasure to work on a production of Fellowes, tells Shalloo to MEA WorldWide (MEAWW).

“The houses and the decor are incredible. The costumes are super fun to wear too. Difficult but fun, my posture has never been so good!” Said Shalloo. Shalloo plays the role of Morris through six episodes, a footman for the Trenchards. The actor often found himself wandering on the sets, stealing a chance to be fascinated by the majestic structures that surrounded him. “If you didn’t need you on the set, strolling through the houses or the gardens was a great way to spend the day and it really helped you understand the characters and the issues of their trip.”

Jack Shalloo (Image: Ori Jones)

Shalloo is also excited about his role as Morris. “He has fantastic favorites!” exclaims the actor. He notes that even with certain similarities that ‘Belgravia’ shares with ‘Downton Abbey’, the former has darker foundations.

“He’s the same writer and a lot of the same team and, of course, has the beautiful sets, the sumptuous costumes and the quintessential British style … [‘Belgravia’] feels a little darker than “Downton Abbey” … the twists, the secrets and the betrayal are all so exciting, “he said.

The actor hopes that the American public will receive the show well. “Belgravia” is currently ahead of its course in the United States.

“I think the American public will love it. This is exactly the kind of escape needed right now,” he said. “[‘Belgravia’] is beautifully shot, the costumes are sumptuous, the sets are incredible and her full of British talent incredible. It’s a drama with a hint and a glimpse of our history too. “

Episode 1 of ‘Belgravia’ is currently streaming on Epix. Episode 2 will be released on April 19, 2020.

If you have an entertainment scoop or story for us, please contact us at (323) 421-7515

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