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New COVID strains may delay travel to the UK after vaccination

New COVID strains may delay travel to the UK after vaccination


Visitors heading to Australia from hotspot locations such as the United Kingdom and the United States may need to be subject to hotel quarantine restrictions until at least mid-2022.

Infectious disease expert Professor Peter Corignon provided a harsh reality check for Australians who want to quickly get rid of the virus and resume traveling abroad.

A professor at the Australian National University told ABC News Breakfast that the ongoing risk around the world could mean that a coronavirus pandemic could be a problem until at least the end of the year and even 2022 for travelers. He said.

“Some people need to go there for family, business, or other reasons,” he said of traveling abroad to a country with a high number of COVID-19 cases.

“In the short term this year, we should assume that if you return from a COVID-rich area, you will need to stay away from others for 14 days, whether or not you have a supervised home quarantine.”

Relation: Follow the latest COVID-19 update

Relation: Bunnings Alert, a popular new community case recorded in Qld

Professor Corignon said he believes that even if a person arriving in the country is vaccinated, he will need 14 days of quarantine for the foreseeable future.

“Look at London at this point … 1 in 30 people are infected with the virus and probably 2 in 100 are back. [to Australia] Have it when they arrive. Even if you have a vaccine that is 90% effective, 2 out of 1000 will come back [to Australia] With the virus, even if they were vaccinated, “he said.

“This is the level of the virus that broke out in Melbourne last winter. I don’t know at this point, but the virus is widespread in many parts of the world, even if you go there and get vaccinated. There is a risk of carrying the virus when it comes back. Because it is asymptomatic, even if vaccinated, it is necessary to limit the number of people returning from high prevalence areas. “

Professor Corignon said he fears that the ongoing virus removal strategy in Australia is a double-edged sword and a focus that can cause complacency among the public.

“The problem with exclusion strategies is that people think. It’s eliminated. We can go back to normal and take no precautions,” he said.

“This virus has problems until the end of the year and may be longer as there are many around the world.

“No vaccination is 100% effective.

“Even if you go to a prevalence area, you still have a good chance of getting the virus. You still need to isolate it. We still keep the crowd indoors and the infection is happening in a notable community. You need to wear a mask when you are, and more importantly, keep away from others and take a test when you are ill. “

Professor Corignon said these measures must continue at least “next year.”

“If people think they’ve eliminated it and say they don’t care about the intervals back to the usual crowded bars, it’s back to one of those places and spreads widely with far more problems. Let’s think it may still be here, the restraint strategy seems to have worked in Australia so far. “


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