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Hancock: Covid Jab’s enthusiasm grows as more people see others being vaccinated.

Hancock: Covid Jab’s enthusiasm grows as more people see others being vaccinated.


Health Minister Matt Hancock said there was evidence that public enthusiasm for the Covid-19 vaccine had “significantly increased.”

According to government statistics, 2,286,572 people across the UK received the first dose of jab between December 8th and January 10th.

In a health question in response to Labor lawmaker Rachel Hopkins (Luton South), Hancock told Commons: It has risen significantly and the percentage of people who hesitate has decreased.

Coronavirus – Monday, January 11, 2021
Health Minister Matt Hancock visits NHS Vaccination Center (Dominic Lipinski / PA)

“I think people can see the enthusiasm that others are vaccinated, but we need to ensure that the message of hope reaches all parts of the UK and all communities.”

Former Conservative Health Minister Jeremy Hunt asked how expectations could be managed with coronavirus vaccination.

South West Surrey MP, chair of the Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee, adds: In particular, it causes a flood of telephone calls to GP surgery, which is already very busy.

“So what can we do to set the public’s expectation that gaining population-level immunity will be a marathon rather than a sprint?”

Hancock replied: “(Mr. Hunt) is wise to say that this is a marathon, not a sprint. We vaccinated 39.9% of people over the age of 80 in the UK early this morning.

“We will contact everyone over the age of 80 to ensure that they will be vaccinated in the coming weeks. We will contact all of the top four priority groups by February 15.

“We are on track and we are confident that we can do that.”

Labor NHS plan
Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth has asked NHS staff to be vaccinated within the next two weeks (Andreuma Shoes / Pennsylvania).

Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth has asked NHS staff to be vaccinated within the next two weeks.

Lester South Labor Party lawmakers told Commons: “Of course, the people who still work are NHS staff, and the British Medical Association states that 46,000 people are not infected with Covid.

“Can (Hancock) go even faster and ensure that NHS staff, frontline staff, will be vaccinated in the next two weeks? And keep up to date with the latest information on the number of vaccinated NHS staff every day. Can you provide it? “

Hancock replied: “He is absolutely right to raise the challenges facing the NHS today. While the vaccine deployment is on track, it is on track to reach the goals we have set. It is very important, and it is necessary to emphasize to everyone the importance of following the rules in place in order to control this virus and reduce the pressure on the NHS, which is very important at the moment. “

Conservative Rep. Andrew Percy (Brig and Gour) called on clerk to prioritize vaccines in the next phase of vaccine deployment.

He states: “Can the Secretary of State keep in mind the clerk who has to work without any protection, including the beginning of this pandemic, and is in contact with hundreds of people every day? Phase 1-Phase 2 Can you make sure they take precedence when migrating to? “

Hancock replied: “We will very carefully consider the professions that need to be prioritized in Phase 2 of the prioritization program. Of course, we will look at teachers, police, etc., but we will also look at the clerk and make decisions based on the data. To do.”

Conservative Andrea Jenkyns (Morley and Outwood) has expressed concern about the deployment of the vaccine in her constituency.

She states: “There is also concern that general practitioners in some areas only vaccinate people aged 80 and over with surnames A to H.”

Hancock replied: “Among people over 80, we don’t prioritize more because we need to make the program reach all people over 80 as quickly, efficiently and as possible. . “

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