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Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine in Northern California?

Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine in Northern California?
Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine in Northern California?


Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine in Northern California?

How does vaccination eligibility vary by county and provider?

Get the information for you and the answer you need. >>> First of all, no matter where you go, the COVID 19 vaccine is currently only available to frontline workers and people over the age of 75. All are reservations only. However, these eligibility may vary slightly depending on the provider. Start with the Sacramento County Public Health Service. They vaccinated frontline workers at CAL EXPO, but they are starting small. Only frontline workers in Phase 1A will be vaccinated by appointment and we expect Phase 1B to begin by late January or early February. The county has a waiting list to prevent doses from being spoiled. However, the UC-DAVIS Medical Center has begun vaccination of patients today. Among the first are an 80-year-old retired paddy worker from Corsa and an 86-year-old Army veteran from Forsom. These eligible, 75+ patients. Initially, 850 eligible patients will be vaccinated daily, and finally thousands per day. >> This is a very high risk patient, over 75 years old, with comorbidities. It then moves on to low-risk patients, basically until everyone is vaccinated. Reporter: Over 75 years old and over 489 care workers are vaccinated. With a final drag, they hold a vaccination clinic. Diagnosis health is also expanding vaccination to patients over the age of 75. The clinic will begin this week at Mercy San Juan and Methodist Hospital. >> We are reaching out to them to offer their appointments at the vaccination clinic. At this time, we are not asking patients to call. >> Reporter: For El Dorado County, there is a website to add to the waiting list. County descriptions, doses may be provided when high-priority demand is subsidized or expires. Interested parties should be able to reach Placerville or South Lake Tahoe within 60 minutes. Placer County is vaccinated in a total of 17 different locations, but only front-line workers and care facilities are vaccinated. They expect the couple to move on to the next stage next week. And finally, YOLO COUNTY has launched a web link for the general public to keep vaccinations up to date. Currently, only healthcare professionals are vaccinated, but the general public can sign up for renewals when more vaccines are available.

Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine in Northern California?

How does vaccination eligibility vary by county and provider?

Many questions have been asked about who is eligible for the vaccine. In general, people over the age of 75, health care workers, first aid personnel, and long-term care facilities are currently eligible. All vaccinations are by appointment only. There is no walk-up. The provider will then contact you directly. However, some people sign up online for updates or put them on the waiting list. How immunization eligibility varies by county and provider: The UC Davis Medical Center has begun vaccination of patients over the age of 75 by appointment. Patients will receive a phone call or email when it is their turn to vaccinate. Up to 850 eligible patients per day. The next layer of eligible patients includes patients over the age of 65, patients with heart problems, sickle cell disease, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer, stroke and other conditions. The exact date is unknown. UC Davis Health is affiliated with Sacramento County dentists, the Sierra Sacramento Medical Society, and patients who are healthcare professionals (not affiliated with other healthcare systems). The goal is to set up multiple sites to vaccinate thousands of people a day. SutterHealth This week, we will begin deploying vaccines to patients and healthcare professionals over the age of 75. Sutter will eventually host an appointment vaccination clinic for eligible patients. Vaccines are not scheduled or managed at the provider’s office. Qualified persons will receive a letter from Sutter Health with instructions on how to schedule an appointment online or call the 1-800 phone number provided in the letter. There is no waiting list. Dignity Health This week we are launching a vaccination clinic for patients over the age of 75. Mercy San Juan will start booking on Thursday night. Methodist Hospital will start booking on Friday night. Both hospitals have a Saturday clinic. The hospital will contact the patient and make an appointment. Please do not call the hospital. Kaiser Permanente Only Phase 1A healthcare professionals among Kaiser Permanente employees, doctors, members and the community will be vaccinated. We have not yet transitioned to Phase 1B healthcare professionals. Cal ExpoThis is conducted through Sacramento County Public Health. Currently, frontline workers in Phase 1a are vaccinated only through appointments. We do not vaccinate the general public “for quite some time”. Cal Expo is just one of the county vaccination sites. Expect Phase 1b (including law enforcement, school staff, and individuals over the age of 75) to begin by late January or early February. The county has a waiting list created from the CDPH priority group so that doses are not compromised. El Dorado County County has launched an online sign-until it is on the waiting list in case last-minute dosing becomes possible. After appropriate efforts to reach the highest priority group, the lower priority group may be provided with the dose when the higher priority demand subsides or when the dose is about to expire. There is. Interested parties can sign up to receive the vaccine with limited notice from the Public Health Offices of Placerville and South Lake Tahoe, regardless of phase / tier, as long as they arrive within 30-60 minutes. I will. YoloCountyHealthcareWorkers in Phase 1a is currently vaccinated. A web link launched by the general public to provide information and receive vaccine notifications about the stage and availability of new vaccines. The county is looking for volunteers to support future vaccination clinics. They try to vaccinate volunteers, depending on the dose available. If you do not have the internet, please call (833) 965-6268. We are vaccinated in a total of 17 places in Placer County. Vaccinations only Phase 1a-Frontline workers, long-term care facilities. Phase 1a employers can complete an online form to receive a private link to make an immunization appointment. We plan to move to Phase 1b in the coming weeks.

Many questions have been asked about who is eligible for the vaccine. In general, people over the age of 75, health care workers, first aid personnel, and long-term care facilities are currently eligible.

All vaccinations are by appointment only. There is no walk-up. The provider will then contact you directly. However, some people sign up online for updates or put them on the waiting list.

How do vaccination eligibility vary by county and provider?

UC Davis Medical Center

  • Start vaccination for patients over 75 years old by appointment.
  • When it’s the vaccine’s turn, the patient receives it by phone or mail.
  • Over the next few days, UC Davis Health plans to increase up to 850 eligible patients per day.
  • The next layer of eligible patients includes patients over the age of 65, patients with heart problems, sickle cell disease, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cancer, stroke and other conditions. The exact date is unknown.
  • UC Davis Health is affiliated with Sacramento County dentists, the Sierra Sacramento Medical Society, and patients who are healthcare professionals (not affiliated with other healthcare systems).
  • The goal is to open multiple sites and get thousands of vaccinations per day.

Sutter health

  • This week, we will begin deploying vaccines to patients, starting with patients and healthcare professionals over the age of 75.
  • Sutter will eventually hold an appointment vaccination clinic for eligible patients.
  • Vaccines are not scheduled or managed at the provider’s office.
  • Qualified persons will receive a letter from Sutter Health with instructions on how to schedule an appointment online or call the 1-800 phone number provided in the letter.
  • There is no waiting list.

Dignity health

  • This week we will start holding a vaccination clinic for patients over 75 years old.
  • Mercy San Juan will start booking on Thursday night.
  • Methodist Hospital will start booking on Friday night.
  • Both hospitals have a Saturday clinic.
  • The hospital will contact the patient and make an appointment. Please do not call the hospital.

Kaiser Permanente

  • Only Kaiser Permanente employees, doctors, members, and community members of Phase 1A healthcare professionals will be vaccinated.
  • We haven’t moved to Phase 1B yet.

Cal Expo

  • This will be done Sacramento County Public Health.
  • Currently immunizing frontline workers in Phase 1a Only through reservation.
  • We do not vaccinate the general public “for quite some time”.
  • Cal Expo There is only one vaccination site in the county.
  • Phase 1b (including law enforcement agencies, school staff, and individuals over the age of 75) is scheduled to begin by late January or early February.
  • The county has a waiting list created from the CDPH priority group to ensure that doses are not compromised.

El Dorado County

  • The county Sign up online to subscribe to waiting list When last-minute administration becomes possible.
  • The lower priority group will be provided with the dose when the higher priority demand subsides or the dose is about to expire after appropriate efforts to reach the highest priority group. It may be.
  • Interested parties can sign up to receive the vaccine with limited notice from the Public Health Offices of Placerville and South Lake Tahoe if they arrive within 30-60 minutes, regardless of phase / tier.

Yolo County

  • Phase 1a healthcare workers are currently vaccinated.
  • Web link launched for the general public To provide information and receive vaccine notifications regarding the tier and availability of new vaccines.
  • The county is looking for volunteers to support future vaccination clinics. They try to vaccinate volunteers, depending on the dose available.
  • If you do not have the internet, please call (833) 965-6268.

Placer County

  • We are vaccinated in a total of 17 different locations.
  • Vaccination is Phase 1a only-frontline workers, long-term care facilities.
  • Phase 1a employer You can fill out the online form You will receive a private link to book your vaccination.
  • We plan to move to Phase 1b in the coming weeks.


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