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Vaccinated ministers to convince minority groups that they are safe Mobile County | Coronavirus COVID-19 News

Vaccinated ministers to convince minority groups that they are safe Mobile County | Coronavirus COVID-19 News


Mobile, Alabama (WALA) – On Tuesday, some African-American ministers in Mobile County rolled up their sleeves to get the COVID vaccine.

They wanted to be an example for a minority group who might hesitate to get it.

“They will see us taking it and hopefully they will feel safer,” said Rev. David Frazier of the Apocalypse Baptist Church.

Modern vaccine

Frazier was one of the pastors in Mobile County who received the first dose of the COVID vaccine.

“We feel that if we can show signs of support for the vaccine, it will benefit the community, our parishioners,” he said.

According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about one in three African Americans hesitate to get vaccinated. Concerns most likely due to the Tuskegee experiment.

The Mobile County Health Department hopes that vaccination of religious leaders will help calm the nerves.

“Everything we do in life has an element of trust, and people trust the minister,” said Dr. Bart Ahold of the Mobile County Health Department. “So it’s really beautiful that the pastors come down and want to share this experience with the community.”

Tresler Raffiet was vaccinated with her husband, a minister. She received her first dose the same day she said goodbye to her loved one who died of the virus.

“I wanted to do that. Hopefully this inspires others who might hesitate to get it done, and maybe they see us as an example and want to do that too. You will think, “she said.

The Ministry of Health says this effort to make minority groups feel comfortable about vaccines is important. Because they are almost twice as likely to be hospitalized for COVID and can die from the virus.

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All Content © 2021, WALA; Mobile, Alabama. (Meredith Corporation Station). all rights reserved.


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