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Uncover nine popular myths playing a round in Africa about coronavirus


Virus outbreak

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In the second week of March, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 Pandemic. By mid-March, the disease had spread rapidly in many countries around the world.

The government is taking drastic steps, including a complete blockade of the city and extensive medical intervention to stop the disease caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

There is a lot to be known about SARS-CoV-2. This limited scientific information Lots of myths and misunderstandings. Some claims are harmless. Others can be potentially dangerous.

We have identified nine misunderstandings that are making rounds on African social media and sought to counter them. The purpose of exposing these myths is to provide people with reliable information. Also, provide people with valid, scientifically-supported answers that can be shared on social media to counter false or false information there.

Myth 1: SARS-CoV-2 does not affect Africans

Rumors are rampant throughout the continent Do Does not affect blacks. This was partly boosted by the fact that a Chinese Cameroonian student, one of the first to be ill, responded well to treatment.

But there is No proof Melanin protects From the coronavirus. African blood composition prevent Africans do not get the coronavirus.

This misinformation continued after the death of famous black Africans, such as the legendary Cameroonian musicians, Mandi Bango and the media personality of Zimbabwe. Zororo Makamba.

this Not limited to Africa. Twitter recently Make a complaint African-Americans immune to coronavirus

Myth 2: SARS-CoV-2 cannot survive in temperate Africa

This myth arose after unreviewed studies pointed out that temperature plays a role in the survival of the virus. One of the most widely cited sources was John Nicholls, a professor of pathology at the University of Hong Kong. Said “In a cold environment, the virus survives longer than a warm one.”

However, this claim is not based on verified research. Nevertheless, the virus was seized as evidence of Africa’s inability to prosper Warm climate.

According to WHO, the virus can spread to all areas, Event hot and humid country.

The only continent without cases of COVID-19 is Antarctica. This can change.

Myth 3: Spray alcohol and chlorine on the whole body

use Found containing more than 60% alcohol Kill coronavirus. But the myth is Spray alcohol Chlorine kills the virus.

Alcohol and chlorine Do not kill the virus If you are already in your body.

Spraying alcohol throughout the body can be particularly harmful to the eyes and mouth. The important thing is that the disinfectant alcohol is not the same as the alcohol that people drink. The latter is up to 40%, but the hand sanitizer should be at least 60%.

Myth 4: Drink tea first thing in the morning

Kenyan media Drinking tea The first thing in the morning is effective against COVID-19 disease.

This is not true. Be No evidence Suggests that tea can protect people from the virus. These claims can be misleading and dangerous.

Maintaining a safe social distance and washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds can prevent coronavirus.

Myth 5: Lime and lemon pepper soup wash away the virus

of Pepper soup Myths are mainly circulating in Nigeria.

Pepper has antioxidant, detoxifying and antibacterial properties. However, there is no evidence that it prevents or kills SARS-CoV-2. It is also a rich source of vitamin C, Maintain a good immune system.

Similarly, lemons and limes also contain high amounts of vitamin C. However, there is no evidence to support the claim to flush the virus from infected systems.

Myth 6: Steaming your face with Neem leaves

There was a claim, Mainly in GhanaVapor therapy with neem can prevent COVID-19. What we know, according to Ayurvedic medicine experts, Neem can help Strengthens the immune system and prevents viral transmission.

Neem is immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-oxidant, carcinogenic. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention No clinical evidence It suggests that steaming neem and inhaling can prevent coronavirus.

Myth 7: Vitamin C tablets prevent COVID-19

Vitamin C Known antioxidants. It prevents damage to tissues in the body by neutralizing free radicals, which are charged particles that damage cells and tissues and cause inflammation. Vitamin C is also known to protect against pathogens.

But there is No proof There are trials trying to use vitamin C among COVID-19 patients, but it can prevent vitamin C from affecting COVID-19. No one has Providing definitive evidence.

Myth 8: Malaria loses immunity

There were some Posts that suggest it Risk is lower in malaria endemic countries Acquisition of new coronavirus cases.

Be There is no evidence to support this.

Malaria-caused by parasites and transmitted from infected bites Anopheles Humans were treated with mosquito-chloroquine and drugs called hydroxychloroquine. These are used as antimalarial and inflammatory autoimmune diseases, respectively.

The overpromotion of chloroquine resulted in a global shortfall, and people self-medicated. Experts warned High doses of the drug are toxic.

Myth 9: flu injection protects you

Healthcare workers Encourage people to be vaccinated against the fluInfluenza vaccination may have led to the misconception that protection from new coronaviruses.

No, it is not. Flu vaccine Only effective against influenza virus – And still only for some influenza viruses.

Humans are infected with six types of coronavirus, and four types cause colds. The other two were severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2002 and 2012, respectively.

Now there is the seventh , SARS-CoV-2.

There is none Influenza vaccination can protect people from coronavirus.

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Uncover nine popular myths circulating about coronavirus in Africa (13 April 2020)
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