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The minister admits that the UK vaccine deployment was initially “rugged”

The minister admits that the UK vaccine deployment was initially “rugged”


The British Vaccine Emperor admitted that the country’s largest vaccination program was “initially rugged” when he faced the grill at the Commons.

Nadhim Zahawi told the Science and Technology Commission: [am] I feel more confident about March as well. “

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“The whole manufacturing process, especially the one dealing with biological compounds and new vaccines, was rugged at first, and it’s definitely better,” he added. It was.

About 2.5 million people have been vaccinated in the UK since 90-year-old Margaret Keenan was vaccinated last month. The first person in the world Inoculate coronavirus vaccine outside the test.

The UK is now in any other part of Europe after the Joint Vaccination and Immunization Commission (JCVI) postponed last month a plan to give patients boosters in favor of giving as many people the first dose as possible. We are vaccinated more than the country.

However, reports that some older people were required to travel more than 40 miles to the vaccination hub have sparked a backlash from scientists.

The NHS is currently rewriting as many as 500,000 letters to people over the age of 80 who advise on how to get vaccinated.

Zahawi was unable to answer at this time how much stock of both Pfizer / Biontech and AstraZeneca vaccines is in the UK.

“That doesn’t mean we want to withhold information from the committee,” he told MP. “The more we show off the number of vaccines we receive, the harder it is for manufacturers to live.”

The Vaccine Deployment Minister said he was “absolutely” confident that the government would reach its goal of vaccinating about 14 million people in just five weeks.

AstraZeneca today announced that it plans to release 2 million doses of vaccine each week by mid-February.

However, he has “fluctuations” in the daily figures published, focusing on prioritizing older people who are more likely to prove “not just opening the door, but a much bigger challenge in childbirth.” I warned that there would be.

“We are in the fight against death,” Zahavi told the committee.

Zahavi said he could “resolutely exclude” reports that the government would introduce it. Vaccine passport As part of his plans to resume overseas travel, he added that such measures were “discriminatory.”

“We don’t do that in this country,” he said. “People have choices.”

That’s after Health Minister Matt Hancock announced plans for all governments last week. UK resident over 18 years old Get the Covid vaccine by the fall.

According to Hancock, the deployment has reached more than 200,000 people per day and will increase dramatically this week after seven mass vaccination centers have been opened nationwide.

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Achieving the government’s vaccine goal is “very much” as Professor Chris Whitti, Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom, warned on Monday that the NHS is facing the “most dangerous situation” in its living memory. It’s difficult. “

“If the virus continues to follow this trajectory, hospitals will become very difficult and soon the intensive care unit will not accept the already expanding staff-patient ratio,” he said.

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