EOBI disburses Rs33bn to retirees, generates income Rs21bn
- EOBI announced an increase in the pension amount from 6,500 rupees to 8,500 rupees in the last month of 2019.
- EOBI has set a target of 23 billion rupees for the current fiscal year and has already generated revenues of 11.5 billion rupees in the first half, "he said.
- The project, involving a cost of 500 million rupees, included enterprise resource planning software, a data center, a call center, an electronic office, electronic purchasing and others.
ISLAMABAD: The Institution for Employee Old Age Benefits (EOBI) paid 33 billion rupees among 623,000 beneficiaries through various projects, in addition to generating income of 21 billion rupees during the year. 2018-2019 fiscal year.
EOBI will pay 40 billion rupees to retirees by June 2020, as the institution had already increased its pension by 30% this year, "said EOBI President Azhar Hameed, at APP.
EOBI announced an increase in the pension amount from 6,500 rupees to 8,500 rupees in the last month of 2019.
He said that EOBI's revenue collection had increased by more than 15% in the 2018-2019 fiscal year compared to the corresponding year when it amounted to Rs 18.23 billion.
EOBI has set a target of 23 billion rupees for the current fiscal year and has already generated revenues of 11.5 billion rupees in the first half, "he said.
Azhar said reforms were being introduced into EOBI to transform it into a service delivery organization according to the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, adding that the automation of EOBI operations was underway. course to bring transparency in its business.
He said the digitization program, made up of eight components, was aimed at changing its role, moving from internal audit authorities to a service delivery institution.
The project PC-I had received a nod from the competent authorities and its request for proposal would be launched next week.
The project, involving a cost of 500 million rupees, included enterprise resource planning software, a data center, a call center, an electronic office, electronic purchasing and others.
As part of the project, he said that EOBI would launch mass media awareness campaigns, in addition to establishing links with certain offices like the Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and the National Database Regulatory Authority (NADRA).
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