I-League: Danish Farooq winner places Real Kashmir in third place
Real Kashmir FC maintained their excellent record at home with a 1-0 victory over NEROCA FC at TRC Turf Ground in Srinagar on Wednesday.
Young Dan Farooq scored what turned out to be the game's winning goal in the 42nd minute.
The result brings Real Kashmir to third place in the I-League standings with 22 points, while NEROCA remains in relegation (10th) with 15 points.
Tributes poured in from the stands and the Kashmir team for young midfielder Ritwik Kumar Das, who missed the match after his father's untimely death. Chesterpoul Lyngdoh took his place in the XI, explaining the only change that David Robertson made to his alignment.
NEROCA Director Gift Raikhan made three changes. Chanso Horam and Zodingliana Ralte were reinstated in the midfield, while Ronald Singh started in front of Boubacar Diarra at the front.
The host threatened early and had the best of exchanges. The first chance came in the seventh minute, when Bazie Armans' wayward release proved to be a good cross-delivery for Mason Robertson. The Scotsman hung on to it and went for the spectacular on the fly from the edge of the box, finding the side net.
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A bizarre turn of events ensued four minutes later. NEROCAs Ousmane Diawara has been shown a straight red. The players argued his case and after a brief consultation with the assistant referee, the red card was canceled, much to the relief of Gift Raikhans.
NEROCA has sometimes disturbed the bottom line of Kashmir. In the 20th minute, Pritam Singh had a good run and after apparently running out of ideas, he squared it for Zodingliana, who whipped in a low delivery across the goal. Ronald Singh put his foot out to the end of the center but Kashmiri goalkeeper Phurba Lachenpa was aware of the danger and did well to keep it away.
The deadlock was broken in the 42nd minute, when the center of Chesterpaul Lyngdohs found the Dane completely trivialized and the young local man was not mistaken with his arrival at the head through the goal for put his team in front.
The Dane could have scored two in the final seconds of time out, but was refused by some goalkeepers. It was yet another cross-field delivery from Bazie Armand who created the opening, as the Dane grabbed onto it and tried to keep goalkeeper Bishorjit Singh, but to his credit , the NEROCA goalkeeper made an exceptional double save by first moving the bite out of the flea by doing a full stretch and a second backward throw towards the goal and pushing it away, which turned out to be the last action before the break.
The Snow Leopards remained looking for a two-goal cushion, but were denied by a narrow margin. In the 52nd minute, Chesterpaul Lyngdoh made a good descent, helping Higginbothams, who had been closed by three orange shirts near the sideline.
The Englishman fed Lyngdoh with a delicious back-flick, crossing him into the surface in search of Robin Singh. The veteran striker won the air battle against the goalkeeper, but his head was wiped off the line dramatically by Govin Singh.
NEROCA did not drop the pursuit and had its moments. Imran Khan tried his luck from a distance but Lachenpa was up to the task, making a good save.
The host, however, was the best team of the afternoon and could have added at least one more. The Danish striker had a wonderful opportunity on the break and with only the goalkeeper to beat, placed his shot straight at him.
Loveday Okechukwu had a speculative crack in his own half and ambition almost paid dividends, as his effort landed on the roof of the net, saving goalkeeper Bishorjit's blush.
-Oguchi Uche propels TRAU to eighth place-
Oguchi Uche scored from the penalty spot as TRAU defeated ChurchillThe brothers 1-0 at Khuman Lampak stadium in Imphal on Wednesday.
The victory took eighth place with 19 points in 16 games, while Churchill remained fourth with 20 points in 14 games.
The win also helped the Imphal team complete the league double against the Goans, having won 2-1 at Fatorda earlier in the season. It was also the first victory of coach L. Nandakumar Singh after a streak of six games without a win since the departure of coach Dimitris Dimitriou.
The first half of the match was a battle of equal because no team was able to build a meaningful attack. The first half saw only five shots, Churchill having four, but none on target. With 49 percent ball possession, TRAU left a job for themselves in the second half.
The only major action occurred when Dawda Ceesay crossed the TRAU defense and left the ball to Socrates Pedro for a chance, but his shot went far from the far post. The first half ended with the two teams tied 0-0.
TRAU took the initiative in the second half. The first big moment of halftime came when a long distance volley from Netrajit Singh hit the post.
TRAU has gained confidence with each passing minute in half. In the 75th minute, a tackle on Princewill Emeka Olariche in the surface of the Churchill Brothers inflicted a penalty on the home team. Oguchi Uche was quick to take the lead and found the bottom left corner to give the team the lead in the 77th minute.
After the goal, the team in red tried to stay in control as they spun the ball to keep Churchill at bay. Finally, a chance presented itself for Goan's outfit when Willis Plaza found himself in a comfortable position but his head passed over the bar.
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