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Junior League of Charleston Hosts Little Black Dress Initiative For 5th Year | Community News


The Junior League of Charleston (JLC) announces the 2020 Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI), a week-long advocacy initiative using the iconic little black dress to raise awareness of generational poverty and its effects on Women's access to resources, confidence and professional opportunities. The 5th annual campaign will take place during the week of March 2-6 to encourage dialogue and to raise funds to support the mission and work of the JLC within the greater Charleston community. The JLC will host events by March 6 as part of the initiative.

During the week-long awareness campaign, JLC members will wear the same black dress for five consecutive days, a small gesture illustrating the lack of resources that many women face due to financial difficulties. Charleston County has a poverty rate of 15.3%, significantly higher than the national average of 12.3% (DataUSA and Census Bureau), and statistics show that single mothers are more likely to suffer from the devastating effects of poverty.

Over the past five years, the LDBI has been a great success for JLC and other leagues around the world as we raise awareness of our mission and the needs of the community, shares Beth Bailey, President of the Junior League of Charleston. Since its inception in 1923, the JLC has raised and allocated millions of dollars to meet local needs in areas ranging from community empowerment to poverty. In the past decade alone, JLC has trained 2,500 community service volunteers. Thanks to LBDI, we aim to raise $ 20,000 and start conversations that illustrate the limits caused by a lack of resources. Our hope is to continue this movement with profits towards the empowerment of all women and the strengthening of families in the Charleston community that our members serve.

JLC members participating in the fundraiser will post daily to their personal social media accounts to raise awareness of the campaign and will also have their own support page on the online fundraising site, Just Giving. The funds raised support the JLC's mission which will lead to local improvements in the Lowcountry by using autonomous women leaders who collaborate to meet the needs of critical areas with sustainable initiatives through training and direct services.

In addition to supporting individual JLC members, members of the public can also support the cause by attending the inaugural Drop the Dress event during LDBI week:

Drop the dress

Friday March 6; 5.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.

Give a little black dress or any other professional clothing to the JLC office. All clothing contributions will be donated to Dress for Success Charleston County.

Charleston Junior League Office

51 Folly Rd Blvd., Charleston, SC 29407

To learn more about the League's work in the greater Charleston community, please visit

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