Seattle hospital rushes out vaccines after freezer failure
Seattle hospitals rushed to send the COVID-19 vaccine to hundreds of people late at night after the freezer in which it was stored broke down.
The cause of the freezer failure on Thursday night is not clear, but the UW Medical Center’s Northwest and Monlake campuses, and the Swedish Medical Center should be used before it expires at 5:30 am on Friday. Received more than 1,300 doses. Seattle Times reported..
Unexpected dose words spread Social media, And a line of hopeful vaccinated people meandered through the clinic door, Parking Garage UW Medical Center-Northwest. There were 100 people in line at the Swedish Medical Center clinic at Seattle University. At 11:59 pm, the hospital tweeted that 588 doses were needed, and all appointments were open by 12:30 am.
At the UW Medical Center-Northwest, assistant administrator Jenny Bracket walked along the crowd, calling for anyone over the age of 65. Many of those who appeared were young and healthy and were not eligible for the current Vaccine Distribution Priority category in Washington State. Brackett said the hospital is doing its best to vaccinate qualified people, but its main purpose is to use it as a weapon to avoid waste.
Cathy Sauer, president of the Washington State Hospital Association, said anyone who received the first shot on Thursday night would receive the second shot in a double-dose regimen, regardless of age.
A woman pulled from a crowd at the 77-year-old UW Medical Center in Northwest, Thai Songria, said she had been awake for more than a week at 1 am or 3 am to search online for coveted vaccination appointments. I did. She finally received a shot from Deputy Nurse Keri Nasenbenny at 1am on Friday.
Many of the staff at the vaccination clinic have been working since 7 am Thursday, according to Nassen Benny.
When she was informed about the freezer failure, she called several nurses, who recruited pharmacists and other volunteers. Seattle firefighters seem to have appeared out of nowhere, hospital The staff’s boyfriend helped manage the queue.
The people who scored the vaccine were grateful. Sarah Leiden, 57, informed her that a shot was available from her beautician’s wife, who she heard from a nurse client.
“I was lucky,” Leiden said.
© 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.
Quote: Seattle Hospital Obtained Freezer Failure (January 2021) from on January 30, 2021 30 days later) I hurriedly sent out the vaccine
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