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Last person to re-enter society ::

Last person to re-enter society ::


— Danielle Seal likens going for a walk during a pandemic to an extreme sport.

“When I go [and walk] She told CNN. “The dog has to ask people to stay 2 meters away, and that really upsets me. If you try to push me away, you endanger my life Going for a walk is an extreme sport for adrenaline. “

Seals include the common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), a type of primary immunodeficiency (PID). This means that her body does not produce protective antibodies to protect herself from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, and even in the absence of a pandemic, Seal and others like her are infected. Remains very vulnerable to.

A 45-year-old woman takes great care not to get infected with Covid-19 during the crisis, even if the government sticks to the faint light of hope provided by the vaccine against the coronavirus. Her situation is unlikely to change in the long run.

As multiple forms of Covid-19 shots were rolled out across Britain and Europe, tentative optimism emerged about the exit route from the crisis.

UK Health Minister Matt Hancock said 2021 after pressure to increase vaccination, as the number of cases in the UK continues to grow and more than 3.7 million cases have been reported so far. We promised to provide the Covid-19 vaccine to all British adults by the fall of the year.

However, while most people benefit from the Covid-19 vaccine, people with a compromised immune system, such as Seal, may not respond like others.

“Many clinically very vulnerable individuals may have some degree of immunosuppression or immunodeficiency and may not respond well to the vaccine,” said the UK Joint Commission on Vaccination and Vaccination. Read the advice from JCVI).

This is because the vaccine is designed to generate an immune response from the human body by producing antibodies and T cells that help fight certain infections. However, in immunocompromised people, the body may only or may not make some of these antibodies or T cells, leaving them vulnerable to infection.

Seal’s body is having a hard time making antibodies. This means that the vaccine is unlikely to provide her with sufficient protection. For this reason, she plans to shield her for a long time, even as vaccine deployments intensify.

The UK medicines and healthcare regulator MHRA has approved three Covid-19 vaccines. One from BioNTech / Pfizer, the other from Oxford / AstraZeneca, and the third from Moderna. All three vaccines are safe to take by people with impaired immune systems, but it is advisable to continue shielding after vaccination, as immunity to the coronavirus may not develop.

“People who are clinically very vulnerable should continue to follow government advice to reduce the risk of infection,” JCVI’s advice reads.

“I’m happy to be 100% vaccinated. [But] “It’s unlikely that you’ll get antibodies when you look at other vaccines,” Seal told CNN. [I’ve had].. But I have it. “

The doctor gave Seal a pneumococcal vaccine, also known as a pneumococcal vaccine, when diagnosing her with CVID to test her body’s response to the vaccine. A blood test four weeks later revealed that she had not produced antibodies in response. She was later diagnosed with CVID.

“I can’t hug my son.”

Due to her condition, Seal has been working at home as an IT consultant before the pandemic.

Since March 2020, she has been staying mostly indoors at her home in Peterborough, England. Her partner shop for groceries and walk the dog.

The two mothers visit her assignment, which she says helped her deal with the crisis. “That kept me sane,” she told CNN, adding that she found it easy to stay socially away from others in outdoor spaces.

Seal shares her condition with her 19-year-old daughter Elaramy, who lives with her. Rummy was planning to start college in September 2020, but delayed her studies for a year due to a pandemic. She has also been mostly at home since the spring of 2020, working remotely in customer service roles.

“I have friends who don’t want to be friends now,” a teenager told CNN that he was “trying to justify” breaking the rules of social distance. Rummy added that she misses her best friend and boyfriend, whom she hasn’t met regularly since August last year.

Seal’s 21-year-old son, who used to split his family and ex-husband’s time, has been living full-time with his father since March.

“I don’t live together [my son] “I haven’t been able to meet him and give him a hug since March. I can’t hug him even if he’s not blocked.”

Seal says her and her daughter’s ability to return to normal life depends on compliance with UK blockade restrictions and the willingness of others to vaccinate. This reduces the Covid-19 infection rate in the community and reduces the chances of the pair being infected.

“We need to rely on other people who are vaccinated,” Rummy told CNN.

Promising research

According to the British Society for Immunology, it is estimated that about 6 million people worldwide have PIDs and about 5,000 live in the UK.

Other people with vulnerable immune systems, such as organ transplant recipients and cancer patients, are added to this group. The UK’s NHS states that it promoted nearly 4,000 transplants in 2019-2020 alone.

However, Beate Kampmann, a professor of pediatric infectious diseases and immunity at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and director of the LSHTM Vaccine Center, said, “Not all immunocompromised people will be the same.” Is emphasized. This means that some produce antibodies and some do not. “Immune deficiency is a very large spectrum,” she said.

Kampman believes that people with impaired immune systems need to look at their immune response to other vaccines, such as tetanus, to see if the body can produce antibodies entirely.

“the study [also] Must be done in [Covid-19] Vaccine immune response in groups of these people, and this could be used to inform strategies. “

David Salisbury, a former Vaccination Director at the Department of Health and Social Care and an Associate Fellow at Chatham House, points out the potential for other treatments in the group, including the possibility of using monoclonal antibodies against Covid-19. .. He believes that these may allow people like Seal and Rummy to re-enter society.

“What we can expect is coming,” Salisbury said. “But I think we’ve been in it for a long time. There’s still a lot to do.”

Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced proteins that mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off pathogens such as viruses and provide immediate protection.

Unlike vaccines that train the immune system itself to produce antibodies, these are injected directly into the blood to fight certain infections, according to researchers at University College London Hospital. [UCLH.]

Several studies on monoclonal antibodies are underway around the world. In the United States, the FDA has also granted an emergency use authorization for Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody, bamuranibimab, for the treatment of people in the early stages of Covid-19.

In the UK, the country’s major recovery trials are exploring multiple potential treatments for Covid-19, including monoclonal antibodies, but the UCLH team has led two trials focused on monoclonal antibodies. I am. One trial involves people who may not respond to the vaccine.

UCLH is currently looking for this exam, called PROVENT. This study will study the effects of two clinical trial monoclonal antibodies in the defense against Covid-19 in people who may not respond to vaccination or are at high risk of Covid-19 infection.

Dr. Nicky Longley, a UCLH infectious disease consultant, said, “We are looking for older people and caregivers who are in conditions such as cancer and HIV that can affect the ability of the immune system to respond to vaccines.” It was. In a press release in December 2020.

“We want to reassure people that the vaccine may not work, as well as a preventative alternative.”

“Kooning” to protect vulnerabilities

Fiona Loud, Policy Director at Kidney Care UK, believes that the best way for vulnerable patients is for people who are in close contact with vaccination because it can provoke a partial immune response. I am.

Working loudly with a kidney disease patient, she herself received a kidney transplant 14 years ago. She told CNN that she hadn’t hugged her adult daughter for nearly a year and didn’t see her during the Christmas holidays.

The strategy she proposes is called a cocoon and people around vulnerable individuals are vaccinated to provide indirect vaccination.

JCVI states that this strategy may be considered in the future, but first states that sufficient evidence of the effects of the Covid-19 vaccine on infection is needed. It is currently unknown whether any of the vaccines will prevent the infection.

This data is collected when vaccines are deployed and the world wants to reopen society. However, most people with impaired immune systems continue to shield, either waiting for discovery or otherwise depending on the behavior and health of those around them.

“Please sympathize with what we generally say,” Loud said.

Ella Ramie had just graduated from school when the pandemic broke out.

“I [meant to] She told CNN, but now “my life literally depends on the actions of others.”

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