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Struggling with the current state of wrestling | The Shuffle


When it comes to wrestling, nothing like a competition.

In today's climate, where World Wrestling Entertainment has been basically the only game in town for almost 20 years, this is especially true. With the rise of a new wrestling company, All Elite Wrestling, fans are starting to reap the benefits of two rival brands.

The stark contrast between the two brands was palpable when AEW first came to the Kansas City area last week.

For a brief overview: In January 2019, All Elite Wrestling, a combination of freelance wrestlers and former WWE talents, was created. In October 2019, its flagship show, Dynamite, made its debut on TNT. It is the first large-scale competition, World Wrestling Entertainment, the world's largest wrestling company, has had since the purchase of its former challenger, World Championship Wrestling, in 2001.

Promising a more wrestling-oriented brand more focused on its talent in the ring than WWE soap opera scenarios, AEW is a homecoming brand in a way that reminded me of why I am fell in love with her when I was a child.

February 26 is a prime example, as Dynamite arrives at the Silverstein Eye Center Arena in Independence, Missouri.

The crowd was, as we say in wrestling slang, hot and howling songs percussively like AE-Dub, when a wrestler made a risky move, and Dip-N-Dots, when Dustin Rhodes threw an opponent in a Dippin Dots machine in the arena concessions area. There have been explosions, high flying attacks and long bloody fights from some of the best wrestlers like Kenny Omega, PAC, the tag team Jurassic Express (yes, one of them wears a dinosaur mask) and Big Swole.

Even with the placement of our seats, where we were far from the ring in cramped seats (I will forever hate the arena seats) and in front of a fan of knowing everything: A) called a parent to tell them where it was or B) comparing it to WWE, I've always had a good time and lots of laughs.

Compare that to WWE which, one day after this AEW event, crowned three part-time wrestlers after their bounty in a controversial visual payment contest in Saudi Arabia, where no talent was displayed. The Undertaker (a wrestler who only comes out of retirement to earn a big salary for minimal work), Goldberg and Brock Lesnar destroyed new wrestlers, all in less than three minutes. Where is the fun or, at the very least, the excitement?

Where I often hear the usual struggle, it's wrong. Why bother watching it? AEW shows that wrestling can be a kinetic dance of athletics, punches and timed kicks, flips and takedowns.

There are bright spots in WWE, like its agricultural league NXT and a selection of newer wrestlers, which are often thrown out of the fire by an older guy on his last legs.

For years WWE has been able to get away with this kind of reservation. But with AEW coming, there are reasons to believe that the product and the presentation can be much more exciting and engaging.

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