Worcestershire launches surge test on South African Covid variant | World News
![Worcestershire launches surge test on South African Covid variant | World News Worcestershire launches surge test on South African Covid variant | World News](,left&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=4b99f5e164dfebb8ec6663f2c9e503d6)
A line was formed outside the Worcester test center on Saturday after a small number of cases of a South African variant of the coronavirus were detected in the area.
in the case of New variant It cannot be traced back to overseas travel, suggesting that it may have begun to spread to the community.
However, the first day of the test was hampered by technical issues, forcing the Worcestershire County Council to attend those who booked by noon and ask them not to rebook.
Councilor Tony Miller told the BBC that only one new variant was recorded, but about 6,000 were tested.
“We have actively tracked and tracked the person they contacted, and everyone in contact is self-isolating,” he said.
The test site was planned to be set up for a week or two, Miller said.
Adults living in the WR3 zip code and parts of WR9 were urgently urged to be tested for coronavirus, and a mobile testing unit was installed in the parking lot of the White Heart Pub in the Fernhill Heath district of Worcester. ..
People over the age of 18 who have no symptoms and live within walking distance are eligible for the test.
The drive-through test site is scheduled to open in the next few days, and authorities will also begin door-to-door testing. People who are clinically vulnerable to the coronavirus are advised not to go to the test site. The test kit will be delivered to your home in the next few days.
Dr. Catherine Coburn, director of public health at the county, said, “To help monitor the virus in our community and control and control the spread of this variant, we have provided a test that everyone takes up. I urged.
Testing in Worcester is part of a surge testing program across the UK. Started on monday Areas where subspecies cases were found and were not associated with overseas travel.
It happened after 11 South African variants were identified in people who had no connection to travel. As part of the program, positive test results will be sent to the lab to sequence the genome and allow scientists to identify mutants. This process takes about 2 weeks.
By Thursday night, approximately 10,000 people in Maidstone, Kent had been tested as part of a surge testing program. In Woking, Surrey, the surge test was scheduled to end on Friday, and the door-to-door test at Egham and Thorpe was scheduled to begin on Saturday.
In the Midlands, about 10,300 people have been tested in Walsall so far, and 560 tests have been conducted in the Birmingham area, the West Midlands Combined Authority has been informed.
Efforts are also underway to identify variants in the Norwood area of ​​Southport, Merseyside, according to the Sefton Council, with a surge test in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire for another week until February 12. It is said that there is.
Mobile test equipment and home test kits have also been shipped to Hanwell and Mitcham in western and southern London, respectively, and are being tested in Tottenham, northern London.
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