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What you need to know about B.1.1.7 coronavirus variants by experts

What you need to know about B.1.1.7 coronavirus variants by experts


Highly infectious Coronavirus mutant The first to be detected in the United Kingdom is now rapidly spreading in the United States.Variant B.1.1.7 is at least 34 states So far, it is expected to continue to circulate.

new Preprint study In the United States, cases of this variant are estimated to double every 9 days, increasing infection rates by up to 45%. “Our study shows that the United States is on a similar trajectory to other countries, and B.1.1.7 rapidly becomes a major SARS-CoV-2 mutant, requiring rapid and decisive action. It shows that they are, “the researchers write.

In January ReportResearchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that B.1.1.7 could become the dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2. New coronavirus It causes COVID-19 by March.another Report The UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group has announced that B.1.1.7 infection has a “realistic possibility” that it is “related to an increased risk of death” when compared to other virus strains. There is.

The findings are “concerned,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on January 35. interview on today.. “The data have not been officially released, but looking at the preliminary data analyzed by British scientists, we are confident that the severity of the actual infection has increased to some extent. Keep an eye on it. ”

Here’s what experts know about the B.1.1.7 coronavirus mutant and what they can do to protect themselves:

What is B.1.1.7? Where are you from

Coronavirus variants such as B.1.1.7 began to emerge after the original dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2 began to mutate.It’s important to remember that all The virus mutates. They are not necessarily a source of concern, but some are worth noting when they begin to spread rapidly.

“When SARS-CoV-2 is replicated, an error occurs. It is not uncommon.” Stanley H. Weiss, MD, Professor of both Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical College and Rutgers Graduate School of Public Health Earlier told “Most of these are flawed, replication doesn’t work, doesn’t continue, and it doesn’t matter. Occasionally, the wrong combination or set of mutations can occur.”

B.1.1.7 is noteworthy in the number of mutations —6 important mutationsTo be precise, it also includes those directly involved in the peplomer that generated “great interest”. Dr. Weiss says it is part of the coronavirus that latches on human cells.

The CDC estimates that B.1.1.7 appeared in the United Kingdom in September 2020 and reports that it is associated with “more efficient and rapid infections.” It is currently detected in several countries, including the United States and Canada.

B.1.1.7 How many states have confirmed infection?

B.1.1.7 variant was first Identified In the United States in December. A Colorado man in his twenties with no reported travel history was positive and was quarantined and recovered.

Since then, nearly 1,000 B.1.1.7 infections have been identified in 34 states at the time of issuance. CDC data.. Especially in Florida and California, the number of cases of B.1.1.7 is significantly higher. That number is expected to increase nationwide in the coming months.

Do B.1.1.7 variants cause different COVID-19 symptoms?

Many scientists are unaware of this variant, but say, “There seems to be no difference in symptoms at this point.” Prathit Kulkarni, MD, Associate Professor of Infectious Disease Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.

As a result, he says, “there is no way” to know if the symptoms are due to the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 or B.1.1.7. Thomas Russo, MD, Professor and Head of Infectious Diseases at the University at Buffalo, University at Buffalo. “Only tests can tell if this variant is present,” he says.

That means you still need to be the most careful General signs of COVID-19: Fever, chills, shortness of breath, malaise, muscle and body pain, headache, New loss of taste and smell, Sore throat, stuffy nose or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.

Is B.1.1.7 really more contagious?

According to the data so far, that’s right.In fact, one Preprint study The London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine estimates that the B.1.1.7 variant is 56% more contagious than the original strain of SARS-CoV-2.another ResearchAccording to researchers at Imperial College London, the virus replication of B.1.1.7 (the average number of people infected with the virus) is 1.45. The number before the emergence of variants was 0.92.

B.1.1.7 was first detected in the United Kingdom in September, but by November it had accounted for a quarter of cases in London. BBC.. By the week of December 9, it accounted for 60% of the COVID-19 cases identified in London. “There are new data suggesting that the new variants are about 50-60% more contagious than the strains that were previously most widely circulating,” says Dr. Kulkarni.

Scientists from the UK’s New Respiratory Virus Threat Advisory Group told reporters in mid-December that some data suggest that B.1.1.7 is more likely to infect children. Neil Ferguson, a professor and infectious disease epidemiologist at Imperial College London, said: “No causal relationship has been established for this, but it can be confirmed in the data. Reuters.. We need to collect more data to see what happens in the future. “

Are the available COVID-19 vaccines effective against B.1.1.7?

Currently the manufacturer COVID-19 vaccine Allowed for use in the United States —modern And Pfizer— They state that their vaccine is up to 95% effective against B.1.1.7. Novavax, currently in Phase 3 clinical trials in the United States, Presentation In late January, the vaccine was almost 86% effective against B.1.1.7.

What should I do to protect myself from B.1.1.7?

Including those emerging from other highly infectious variants-in addition to B.1.1.7 Brazil And South Africa — Detected in the United States This should not panic you, but should help remind you that it’s not time to give up “following common sense precautions”, and infections Experts say Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Senior Scholar.

“The key public health recommendations remain the same,” says Dr. Kulkarni. Avoid large gatherings and social distances from outside the family. wash hands Frequently and Wear a face mask It fits snugly on the nose and mouth.

Experts (especially in high-risk environments such as crowded buses and busy grocery lines to enhance protection Dr. Fauci) Say you might Select a double mask (Wear a surgical mask or KN95 mask with a cloth mask on top, unless you restrict breathing) or wear a face shield over the face mask.

Dr. Russo emphasizes that “there are likely to be additional COVID-19 variations in the future,” and the response needs to be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to get vaccinated, it is important to do so for prevention. You and the people around you.

This article is accurate at the time of press. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses rapidly and the scientific community gains a better understanding of the new coronavirus, some information may have changed since it was last updated. We aim to keep all stories up to date, but please visit the online resources provided. CDC, WHO, And yours Local public health sector To keep up to date with the latest news. Always consult your doctor for professional medical advice.

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