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Trump’s disastrous response to Covid-19 demands investigation (notice)


Trump is desperately trying to divert attention from his own catastrophic behavior. He chaired one of the biggest security failures in U.S. history, with far more deaths than in Pearl Harbor or September 11.

While the President has called for an investigation of WHO, it is the disastrous response of its own administration to the crisis which must be examined. The urgent and practical objective should be to fix the federal response before hundreds of thousands of lives are lost. The Congressional Oversight Committee should immediately review how the Trump administration is handling the pandemic so that we can change course.
At this point, it’s clear: the Trump administration has failed. The United States has so far killed 26,000 people, 79 per million; South Korea, by contrast, left 225 dead, just 4 per million. The death toll in Taiwan is only 6 (0.3 per million) and the death toll in Singapore is 10 (2 per million).
Many other countries have a similar record of lower death rates. Canada accounts for less than a third of the US rate, 24 per 1 million. Some European countries have more deaths per million than the United States, but we need to judge our performance against the best performing countries and consider how to quickly improve the performance of the United States before causing further losses. massive lives.
The overwhelming evidence is that the Trump administration has repeatedly received early warnings of a possible pandemic. Indeed, even before its inauguration, Trump has received warnings of the grave danger of a global pandemic, and such a threat has been classified as one of the most serious threats to the security of the United States. The threat of pandemics was well known and well studied in the intelligence, military and scientific communities.

There is no way to get around the reality that Trump was unable to process this information and instruct the federal government to respond effectively as Taiwan, Singapore, the South Korea and other countries.

Here’s what we know, and what questions remain to be answered from a thorough congressional survey:

Why the United States has the highest number of deaths in the world on Covid-19
First, China reported the epidemic at the World Health Organization on December 31. According to Reuters, the National Security Council also received notice of the epidemic at the same time of an American health attaché in Beijing. The investigation should determine if and when the White House received this information and when was the first part of the president’s briefings.
Based on reports from China, December 31 Taiwan immediately started to filter flight arrivals from Wuhan, where the coronavirus emerged, without waiting for WHO advice or any other advice. South Korea has started screening flights January 3.

The American screening that started on January 17 was random at best, at worst non-existent in many places. Why has the United States government not followed the example of Taiwan, South Korea and other countries on flight controls?

On January 3, according to Reuters, the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, Dr. Gao Fu, called the director from the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, to discuss the epidemic. What did they discuss? When were the details of the call released to Trump and the National Security Council?
According to the Washington Post, American intelligence agencies issued classified briefs in January and February on the urgency of the epidemic. What were the warnings and were there specific recommendations made by intelligence agencies?

Trump now seems to think that the United States has been misled by the WHO. How did the United States rely on WHO policy statements and warnings, given that many other countries were operating on the basis of a high emergency?

On January 23, the WHO Emergency Committee refused to declare Covid-19, a global health emergency, action taken a week later, January 30. The US CDC has a senior official on the WHO committee. What was the opinion of the American committee member at the January 23 meeting? Has the American representative called for declaring Covid-19 a global emergency? Has the CDC’s position been discussed with Trump?
This is how we conquer Covid-19
Sending the Centers for Disease Control faulty test kits in the United States in early February. Administrative formalities prevented the problem from being resolved as quickly as possible. Other countries have developed test kits and embarked on large-scale tests weeks before United States. What explains this fundamental failure of the CDC?
At the start of the epidemic, Trump repeatedly stated that the pandemic was not a big threat in the United States. He said at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, January 22, “We have it completely under control”, thus misleading or deceiving not only the Americans but the whole world.
In February, he said that with the hot weather in April, the virus “miraculously goes away”, once again contrary to scientific evidence. There are countless other misrepresentations.
The federal government and many states have fought tirelessly for scarce and urgent supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, test kits and other basic medical supplies. What information was used to decide how to help each state acquire these essential drugs? Asset long delayed invoking the authority of the Defense Production Act, provoking governors and mayors desperately struggling so far for these missing supplies. Why has Trump refused to use the Defense Production Act for many critical weeks?
For the moment, there is no agreed national strategy on how to reopen the economy. On the contrary, Trump and many governors are in open conflict over the best course of action. What federal management systems and organizations are used to obtain the best information and evidence on how to proceed and coordinate the actions of federal and state governments?

There is an urgent need to answer these questions. The United States did not act early, to heed the terrible alarms heard clearly by many other countries to mobilize supplies of vital products and to coordinate between the national, state and local levels.

Answering these urgent questions is the responsibility the House Oversight Committee, which is the main investigative committee of the House of Representatives. Its legislative competence understands “The overall economy, efficiency and management of government operations and activities, including federal government procurement”, “the relationship of the federal government with states and municipalities” and “reorganizations in the executive branch of the government”.
Hundreds of thousands of American lives at stakenot to mention the millions of lives around the world that the United States should help save. Congress must urgently investigate and correct the disastrous failures of the Trump administration in handling this crisis. There’s no time to lose.

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