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Coronavirus News Summary, February 6-12

Coronavirus News Summary, February 6-12
Coronavirus News Summary, February 6-12


Sarah Chang’s work in the Atlantic Ocean (2/9/21) gives a pessimistic view of the herd immunity achieved so far in the United States. Peace start The wet log of a campfire can be likened to a concept. “If the population is well immune —’can’t make a fire, period’,” Zhang wrote in a quote from a biologist at Emory University. Zhang’s work states that if the vaccine does not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection, but only prevents severe COVID-19, it would be “totally impossible” to achieve herd immunity. And while vaccines clearly prevent serious illnesses, there is still little evidence of whether vaccines prevent infections. The more likely result is that we never “exceed the herd immunity threshold” and that in addition to the immunity of vaccinated people, the immunity of those who have overcome SARS-CoV-2 infection is COVID. It means to “weaken” -19. As a result, the illness affects us like a common cold. “This often re-infects people, but it rarely gets serious.”

A more optimistic view Posted on 2/9/21 YourLocal Epidemologist newsletter by Katelyn Jetelina. She has a current US herd immunity in the 12-30% range, including those who have antibodies from past COVID-19 infections and who have received either or both of the approved vaccines. Estimating (rounded numbers). In addition to that, the percentage of people who are willing to be vaccinated will be 53% to 71% in the coming months, according to the arithmetic and recent polls she cites. Of course, there’s some uncertain science behind these numbers, and variants add wildcards. As Jetelina writes, “I’m based on today’s post [a goal of] There is 70% herd immunity, but many scientists now estimate that this is a new variant, close to 90%. “

Katherine J from The Atlantic. Wu wrote a good article explaining why the “side effects” of the COVID-19 vaccine are “only a sign of protection.” [from our immune system] I’m kicking in as needed. ” As she says.. She talks using an example of her husband’s recent vaccine experience (he is a neurologist in a hospital, she writes). According to various reports, people are more likely to experience side effects from the second of two doses of Pfizer or modelna vaccine. However, a second exposure to the vaccine is important for enhancing the immune response to wild SARS-CoV-2. “The body’s encore may be unpleasant, but it’s evidence that the immune system is strengthening its defenses against the virus,” Wu wrote. She explains that our immune system begins to “lose vapor” after a day or two against invading substances such as vaccines. She writes that it will take several days for immune system weapons (T cells, B cells, and antibodies) that can attack foreign bodies with “sniper-like molecules and cells” to work. There, a double vaccination or a second vaccination will be given to complete the work of preparing the immune system for exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (2/2/21).

A New video (2/11/21) Scientific American explains the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and why researchers are not convinced that available vaccines are equally effective against all variants. In the video, Sarah Cobey of the University of Chicago compares the emergence of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant with a genetic mixture between influenza viruses. This process is what she loosely calls “viral.” This mixture occurs when two different influenza viruses infect the same cell, replacing parts and repackaging to create a new influenza variant. In the case of influenza, the mix means that vaccine makers need to change their seasonal influenza vaccines each year to be more effective against new influenza variants. The question is whether the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine requires such changes. A hopeful note on the work: “Scientists say it will probably take years if the COVID-19 vaccine fails,” reported and edited by Sarah Riadon. Animation by Dominic Smith. Edited by Jeffrey Del Viscio.

A 2/3/21 Opinion essay on STAT “Children do not need the COVID-19 vaccine to return to school,” he claims. Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist at the University of California, San Francisco-oncologist, makes his opinion based on several of the following: 1) Children are much less likely to be infected with COVID-19 than adults, especially in severe or fatal cases. 2) In most cases, community outbreaks are not due to infections in schools with strong distances, masking, and other safety measures. 3) Efficacy and safety studies of the COVID-19 vaccine for young children have not begun, but some are ongoing for older children. COVID-19 vaccines for children should not be approved on an urgent basis once they are ready for evaluation by the US Food and Drug Administration. This is because the COVID-19 vaccine is for adults and in part the disease is not catastrophic. Child illness. He writes that the rate of harm to children is more similar to that of seasonal flu.

Detailed tips This 2/3/21 NPR work Here’s what Maria Godoy has done to better protect your face mask: 1) Double masking using a surgical mask under the cloth mask. 2) Put a filter such as folded tissue paper in a two-layer mask with pockets. 3) 3-layer cloth mask. 4) Use knots or hair clips to improve the fit of the mask. 5) Purchasing KN95 or KF94 masks can further increase the supply of undersupplied N95 medical grade masks available to healthcare professionals.

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