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Stephen Curry Injury Update: Warriors Star Will Return Home From Raptors Thursday


It has been five months since Stephen Curry played in an NBA game after breaking the second metacarpal bone in his left hand in an early season game against the Phoenix Suns. He has insisted all season on his intention to return, with March set as the target. While Curry wanted to come back on March 1 against the Washington Wizards, after discussions with coaches and training staff, it was agreed that he would get more training rehearsals and scrimmaging under him before to play again with a Warriors jersey.

The league's double MVP spent Monday training with Warriors & # 39; G League affiliate, Santa Cruz Warriors, and coach Steve Kerr told reporters last week that his return was scheduled for March 5 against the Raptors. On Wednesday evening, the franchise came to a final conclusion on Curry's return date as they officially announced that Curry is allowed to return Thursday.

If Curry had succeeded, he would have returned on March 1, which was his original target date. However, when the coaches and training staff agreed that he needed a little more time before making a full comeback, Kerr told reporters that Currywas not enthusiastic about the decision initially. Once the team officially announced that Curry will compete against the Raptors, the former quintessential league player shared his thoughts on his return via his Twitter account.

"He was not thrilled, but Steph is still very rational and easy to talk to," Kerr told reporters. "He fought a bit, but also understood why we wanted to take extra care so that he would agree with that."

Now, however, it looks like Curry will come back from his 58 game absence, but he will join an incredibly different team from the one he played with at the start of the season. A number of players he played with before getting injured, including Angelo Russell, Glenn Robinson III, Alec Burks and Jacob Evans, were swapped. The Russell coup, in particular, was the most significant, bringing Andrew Wigginsto's former overall first choice to serve as a running mate for Curry in the future. Its integration into the Golden State system has so far been successful. He averages 19.9 points per game with Golden State, but joining alongside Curry will be his next test.

The Warriors season, which was already on thin ice even with a healthy Curry, derailed completely after his injury. At 14-48, Golden State has the worst NBA record in four games and is a virtual lockdown for one of the top three picks in the May NBA Draft Lottery. Despite all of that, however, having Curry back in the lineup this season is a good thing as the goalkeeper can use these last 20 games of the season to acclimatize to the speed of a NBA game before he is sent back to the trenches next season with this team back in good health.

The Warriors hope to return to the championship next season with a healthy Curry and Klay Thompson joining Wiggins and Draymond Green on a revamped roster. As LeBron James has proven this season, a year of rest after a long streak of appearances in the finals can do a little good, but rest is no substitute for health. The Warriors need Curry to return to full power if they hope to re-enter the championship picture, and his return this season will be an important step in getting there.

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