Adults with Down Syndrome are more likely to die of COVID-19 than the general population
A new study by an international research team found that adults with Down syndrome are more likely to die of COVID-19 than the general population, confirming the need to prioritize vaccination of people with hereditary disorders. Has been done.
Researchers have found that adults with Down syndrome are about three times more likely to die of COVID-19 than the general population. This increase in risk was especially noticeable from the age of 50 years. People aged 40 with Down syndrome were at risk of dying from COVID-19, as were people over the age of 30 in the general population.
This study was published in The Lancet’s this week Clinical medicine..
Our results, based on more than 1,000 COVID-19-specific patients with Down syndrome, show that individuals with Down syndrome often present with more severe symptoms on admission and have a higher incidence of pulmonary complications associated with increased mortality. Is shown. These results affect the prophylactic and clinical management of patients with Down syndrome COVID-19 and underscore the need to prioritize patients with Down syndrome for vaccination. “
Anke Hules, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Lead Author of Research
Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition usually caused by trisomy (or an extra copy) of chromosome 21. This extra copy can alter the way the baby’s body and brain develop and cause mental and physical problems.
To collect data for the study, the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative launched an international survey of clinicians and caregivers of COVID-19-infected patients with Down syndrome between April and October 2020. Survey respondents were primarily from Europe, the United States and Latin America. And India. (The survey was available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Bengali, Hindi, and Mandarin).
“We are pleased that the CDC has included Down Syndrome on its list of” high-risk medical conditions. ” This gives priority to vaccination against this genetic disease, “said co-author Albert Costa.With a pediatrics professor Psychiatry Case at Western Reserve University School of Medicine. “Similar decisions have been made in the UK and Spain, and we hope other countries will continue soon.”
Costa is collaborating to study the effects of COVID-19 on people with Down Syndrome, called the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative, a large and diverse group of physicians and scientists from seven countries and more than 12 institutions. One of the leaders of the group.
The T21RS COVID-19 Initiative is part of an initiative established by the Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS) in March 2020 to gather scientific information to support individuals with Down Syndrome and their families during a pandemic. I’m spreading it. Founded in 2014, T21RS is the world’s largest professional Down Syndrome Study Group.
Costa is the chairman of the T21RS Clinical Research Committee and one of the founding members of the T21RS COVID-19 Initiative. Other members of the T21RS COVID-19 initiative leadership team are Huels and Stephanie Sherman of Emory University, Andre Strydom of King’s College London, and Mara Dierssen of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology.
Journal reference:
Hüls, A. , et al. (2021) Medical Vulnerability of Individuals with Down Syndrome to Severe COVID-19 – Data from the Trisomy 21 Study Group and the UK ISARIC 4C Survey. Lancet’s clinical medicine.
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