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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey reconsiders Africa's decision to fear coronaviruses


Twitter CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey gestures when interacting with students from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in New Delhi on November 12, 2018.

Prakash Singh | AFP | Getty Images

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Thursday he is re-examining his next move to Africa due to the coronavirus epidemic.

"I had worked on my plans where I would work in a decentralized way, like my team and I when we travel, but in light of COVID-19 and everything else, I have to reassess. Anyway, we will continue to pursue opportunities in Africa, "said Dorsey at Morgan Stanley's Technology, Media & Telecom conference in San Francisco.

Companies around the world are increasingly having to change plans due to the new coronavirus epidemic. More than 96,800 people have been sick with the flu, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. At least 3,305 people have died.

Dorsey announced plans to move in November. The CEO of Twitter and Square's plan was to move to the mainland for up to six months in the middle of 2020. But Dorsey has been criticized for choosing to get away from her businesses so far. , while analysts were divided over the news.

CNBC reported on Friday that Elliott Management founder Paul Singer is looking to replace Dorsey as CEO in part because of the move. Elliott has acquired a stake in the business valued at more than a billion dollars and has appointed four new members of the board of directors.

Dorsey did not specifically address Elliott on Thursday, but said that he should have clarified the reason for his move in his November tweet.

"When I tweeted about my intention to spend a few months in Africa this year, I made a mistake and should have provided more context on why," he said. "Africa will be one of the most populous continents over the next 20 to 30 years, technological innovation is incredible with a large part of the population still on the Internet. A huge opportunity, in especially for young people, to join Twitter and for us to learn to better serve them. "

Twitter shares fell about 3% in the middle of the day against the backdrop of a massive sale.

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