NIH Coronavirus Researchers Ask Forch to Check “Privileges” While Talking About Racism with Kizumekia Corbett
The new coronavirus killed more than 150,000 people and infected more than 2 million people worldwide. Dr. Kizmekia Corbett, who recently described the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a “leading” member of the US vaccine development team, called the COVID-19 pandemic the “black slaughter” of blacks, Researchers blamed what she called “organized oppression” by whites.
In response to the tweet, Corbett urged Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Dr. Jerome Adams, a general surgeon, to “check” privileges.
Corbett on Coronavirus pandemic
Corbett’s Twitter biographer, a 34-year-old immunologist who works in the Vaccine Research Center, a division of NIAID, wrote: “Virology, Vaccinology, Vagina, Virology. My Tweets are My Own. The science is world-class. “
She tweeted a Bloomberg article on March 29 about how more and more poor people are dying of the coronavirus, with doctors deliberately rejecting ventilators against black Americans, He said he would let them die instead. She wrote, “I mutter for people who would die when a doctor has [sic] Choosing who gets the last ventilator, and ultimately … who lives. “
Then, on April 9, someone replied, “I’m afraid to think. When it goes down, people will be turned away or die for blacks,” another netizen said. This virus is a surefire way to get rid of us without letting go. “At that time, Corbett wrote on Twitter,“ Some people call it genocide. The fifth person begs for it, ”he wrote.
African Americans are more likely to die of coronavirus
Colored people in the United States have underlying health problems, have poor access to health care, and are more likely to work in precarious jobs. A recent new data reveals that black and brown communities across the United States are more likely to die from the coronavirus and the Chicago mayor, and Lolly Lightfoot says half of Chicagoans die of the deadly coronavirus. More than African American. Data showed that African-Americans in the Chicago area accounted for 72% of deaths from coronavirus complications and 52% of positive COVID-19 tests, and referred to the city’s Public Health Department.
She wrote on Twitter, mentioning what Corbett called systemic racism. [sic] Multiple ways. They have to, or we will be doomed at the next pandemic. “
Last week, Dr. Adams told the press at a press conference that African-Americans are suffering from obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses that increase the risk of death from coronaviruses. He also advised African-Americans to avoid tobacco and alcohol to protect their health during epidemics. After this comment, Corbett retweeted another user’s thread and said the proposal was “aggressive because it ignores systematic racism.” The thread referred to confirming the “privileges” of Dr. Fauci and Adams, ending with the addition of “think critically: stop the spread of harmful errors that support white hegemony.”
Last week, Corbett said in a Twitter discussion, “Merit [is] Other users answered, “Caucasian men are inherently malicious, so can I dismiss everything involved?” He said, “Caucasian men will not be dismissed. But they (ancestors) Or the system curated by (currently). ”
Corbett’s role in coronavirus research
Corbett said earlier this month CNN“Some of the previous projects,” which also included MERS and SARS research, Anderson Cooper provided input to the government’s ongoing coronavirus vaccine research. “I’ve been studying coronavirus vaccine development for the last seven years. Especially under my direction, the team has been studying this coronavirus for five years,” he said.
She also said that a vaccine for the new coronavirus might probably be available to the general public by next spring. Corbett is one of the most well-known figures in science in the United States. Initially Senator Kamala Harris praised Corbett on Twitter, she said, “He had a 24-hour initiative to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. The world oweed you and your team a grateful debt. There is. “
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