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No, disinfectants and disinfectants are not the same


Not all cleaners have the same effect on bacteria (Photo: Ella Byworth for

We are all specialists in the recent disinfection of hands, door handles and kitchen surfaces.

To counteract the spread of CoronavirusIt is imperative that you stay in the room as much as possible and keep your hands and surfaces clean to prevent accidental introduction of the virus into your home.

But you have to buy a product that claims to be disinfectant Or disinfectant? And what is the difference?

Disinfectants are more effective

The main difference between the two is that the disinfectant only reduces the number of bacteria on the surface, the disinfectant kills most of the bacteria.

Everything depends on the material. The disinfectant is full of chemicals like hydrogen peroxide that attack viral cell components, from Alexander Aiken London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said Business insider.

On the other hand, disinfectants rely on substances such as chlorine, so they do not have to kill bacteria and can reduce the number of bacteria on the surface.

It sounds like disinfectants are a better option, but it’s worth pointing out that viral load plays a big role in how ill you may be. Anything that reduces your exposure is great, and that’s where santisers come in handy.

But disinfectants work faster

In addition, disinfectants work faster than disinfectants. It can take up to 10 minutes for the disinfectant to work.

Depending on the material, coronavirus may remain on the surface for hours, if not days. For example, we know that viruses can last up to 4 hours on metal door handles, while cardboard can protect up to 24 hours.

Keep in mind that excessive use of heavy duty cleaning agents can have a negative effect.

We know that we now have to keep it clean to prevent the spread of the virus, but excessive use of detergents and hand sanitizers can actually lead to bacterial antimicrobial resistance.

Write for conversationWinston Morgan, UEL’s leader in toxicology and clinical biochemistry, sees a sudden surge in hand sanitization and cleaning products leads to an increase in super-potent bacteria that could even jeopardize already afflicted healthcare systems. It warns that there is a possibility.

What is his advice?

“When you use hand sanitizers and cleaners, treat them like prescription medications. Please read the instructions carefully, as deviations can invalidate.

“Avoid diluting or combining pre-prepared products with other products. Homemade disinfection using only ingredients purchased from reputable stores using recipes from government sites Make an agent and cleaning product. “

It is worth worrying that antimicrobial resistance already accounts for more than 700,000 deaths per year worldwide. Therefore, it may be worth considering how we clean and disinfect when the immediate danger has passed.

So what about hand sanitizers?

Oddly enough, the main ingredient is alcohol, so a hand sanitizer is actually a sanitizer. But how long it takes for the disinfectant to function and dry is to the skin (the first and greatest barrier of your body to infection) and the whole problem is explained in the points above. It is best to wash your hands with soap and water. if possible.

Soap and water can dissolve the protective outer membrane of viruses, but hand sanitizers struggle to function properly when the hands are completely soiled.

Use this if you don’t have access to a sink (for example, when you’re in a supermarket), but be sure to wash your mitts as soon as you get home. Moisturizing. Aside from the ruthless knuckles, it is very important to keep the skin free from cracks that could be directly accessed by pathogens.

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