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Frontline workers and BAME groups do not take precedence over UK vaccines | Vaccines and vaccinations

Frontline workers and BAME groups do not take precedence over UK vaccines | Vaccines and vaccinations
Frontline workers and BAME groups do not take precedence over UK vaccines | Vaccines and vaccinations


The Guardian understands that front-line workers and groups of blacks, Asians and ethnic minorities will not be able to prioritize vaccination in the next phase of the Covid Jab deployment.

The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) updated their advice on Wednesday, People with learning disabilities People at high risk of illness are invited to vaccination to ensure that they are protected as soon as possible.

However, government sources have confirmed that JCVI is also poised to refuse to prioritize vaccines by occupation or race, and that jabs will progress from the adult age group to the age of 18.

“This is ultimately about who is most likely to get seriously ill and die of this disease, and the public understands that when you say it that way, it must be prioritized. “There are sources,” said a source.

The union argues that people working in front-line roles such as education and police should be prioritized in the next phase of deployment after older groups and clinically vulnerable people.Equality groups are also looking for people from Priority BAME community, In the light of studies showing a high probability of dying from coronavirus.

Talking to the Commons Science and Technology Commission on Wednesday, JCVI Vice-Chair Professor Anthony Hahnden said there was no good scientific reason to prioritize teachers.

“We examined the data very carefully about this. Looking at the ONS data, teachers are at higher risk of being infected with the coronavirus than any other profession, and there are other professions that are at higher risk than teachers. Does not suggest, “he said.

“For example, people working in a processing plant in an unventilated, noisy, closed environment where they need to scream are far more dangerous than teachers who wear masks and have sufficient knowledge of their children. We know that we are exposed to ventilation. “

Care Minister Helen Whately announced that people with learning disabilities have been added to the list of people who are currently prioritized for vaccination, saying: People at high risk for Covid have decided that they need to be vaccinated as soon as possible.

“Following JCVI’s latest advice, we invite everyone enrolled in the GP’s Learning Disability Registration to vaccination to make this process easier and faster. This is for those at high risk of the virus. Means that you can get the protection you need. “

Health Minister, Matt Hancock, Said he asked NHS Give advice “immediately”.

The increased risk to people with learning disabilities is highlighted by the case of DJ Jo Whiley, who was vaccinated before Francis, her sister who suffers from a genetic disorder and lives in home care. Frances Whiley tested positive She was admitted to the hospital because of the coronavirus after the outbreak in her Northampton Care Home.

Hahnden added that the goal is to reach people with severe or severe learning disabilities, and those with mild learning disabilities should not yet approach the GP.

“What we want to do is catch everyone with severe and severe learning disabilities in the best possible way, but we want everyone with relatively mild learning disabilities to be vaccinated now. No. That would cause problems, as there are more than 1.5 million of those individuals, “he said.

Hahnden said those who registered with the GP as having a learning disability and those who had a learning disability in shared or residential accommodation “should be vaccinated now as a priority.” .. About 1.2 million people have learning disabilities in the UK, but only 250,000 are enrolled in the GP.

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