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Research Finds New Genes Related to Glaucoma Risk

Research Finds New Genes Related to Glaucoma Risk


new Survey Led by the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and Harvard Medical School, the genetics of glaucoma have been greatly enhanced and 44 unknown genes associated with the risk of developing degenerative eye disease have been identified.

The results of a large international study take the total number of genes currently known to increase a person’s risk of glaucoma to 127. This study also shows that most of the genes are shared between ancestral groups of different ethnicities.

The survey results were published in the journal “Nature Communications”. “Glaucoma causes progressive degeneration of the optic nerve, which is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, affecting more than 75 million people,” he read Thursday’s study.

Professor Stuart Macgregor, head of the Statistical Genetics Group at QIMR Berghofer and co-principal researcher for the study, said that 44 identified risk genes have introduced new biological processes such as immune function associated with glaucoma. He said he would clarify.

“Glaucoma is one of the most hereditary human diseases, so we are looking at the genetic structure of glaucoma to find clues about how to prevent and treat glaucoma,” said Professor Mac Gregor.

“We hope that understanding the biological processes and knowing which genes control them will help scientists develop new drugs in the future,” said Mac Gregor.

Associate Professor Puya Gharahkhani, a senior researcher in the Statistical Genetics group at QIMR Berghofer, said he examined data from more than 34,000 people on five continents and compared them to the genetic information of about 350,000 people without glaucoma.

“Although the incidence of glaucoma is highest in people of African and Asian ancestry, the largest genetic studies of glaucoma in the past have focused on people of European ancestry,” said Gharahkhani.

“These studies have shown that genetic testing can be used to identify who will benefit from early monitoring or treatment that saves vision, but due to the narrow range of genetic data, people with genetic indicators. I wasn’t sure if it would apply to different ancestors.

“By combining data from around the world, our research suggests that genetic testing may work well across a wide range of ancestors to identify people at risk for glaucoma.”

Janey Wiggs, co-lead author and professor of ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, said there is currently no cure for glaucoma.

“More than 50% of glaucoma cases are not diagnosed until irreversible optic nerve damage occurs,” said Professor Wiggs, deputy director of eye and ear ophthalmology clinical research in Massachusetts.

“As available drugs can slow the progression of the disease only in the early stages, identifying improved means of diagnosing the disease early is an exciting development-especially this is globally effective. “We know,” said Professor McGregor, who hopes to build on research to identify more genes associated with glaucoma.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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