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Research shows that children are affected by coronaviruses


A new study published in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice at the University of South Florida (USF) and Women’s Independent Social Research Organization (WiiSE) found that each child in need of intensive care for COVID-19 was infected with the virus 2,381. Children.

It’s a sequel.
NEW YORK: In contrast to what governments and schools of scientists claim (including Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk), the number of children infected with coronaviruses is much higher than what is currently reported. I am. Demand for healthcare systems and pediatric intensive care units (PICU). A new study published in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice at the University of South Florida (USF) and Women’s Independent Social Research Organization (WiiSE) found that each child in need of intensive care for COVID-19 was infected with the virus 2,381. Children.

This calculation follows a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of China on a clinical study of over 2,100 children in China with COVID-19.

“ The risk of serious illness from COVID-19 is lower in children than in adults, but hospitals are prepared to have adequate equipment and staff levels in place to address the potential influx of young patients. Must be prepared, ”said Associate Professor Jason Salemi, author. Epidemiology of USF Public Health University. According to the North American registry, the virtual PICU system, 74 children in the United States were admitted to PICU between March 18 and April 6. An additional 176,190 children are likely to be infected during this period.

Children under the age of 2 accounted for 30% of cases, 24% were 2-11 years old, and 46% of PICU cases were 12-17 years old. Researchers show that if 25% of the U.S. population is infected, coronavirus infection by the end of 2020 requires 50,000 severely ill children to be hospitalized, of which 5,400 are severe and require mechanical ventilation Will be. According to clinical reports, the average length of hospital stay for childhood COVID-19 is 14 days. According to a national survey, there are about 5,100 PICU beds in the United States.

“Government officials and policy makers need to understand the potential for capacity issues that underscore the importance of effective mitigation strategies, such as frequent and thorough hand washing and sustainable social distance measures.” Salemi stressed.

Pediatric coronaviruses are extremely complex. Many hospitals ban visitors to implement social distance and quarantine protocols. Caregivers can also become infected, which requires logistics and infection control equipment that adds additional strain to hospital resources. At discharge, infants may not be able to comply individually with home infection control and self-isolation recommendations. Researchers pointed out that children in low-income households with parents in blue-collar and service jobs had a much higher infection rate, eliminating the option of working from home. The proximity of housing units to small communal recreation and common areas also increases the risk to children living in urban public housing projects, the authors write. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that some children develop “severe” or “serious” illness from the coronavirus, and parents prepare their children to protect themselves from COVID-19 need to do it.

Musk tweeted in March: “Children are immune in nature, but older people with pre-existing conditions are vulnerable. Family gatherings where children and grandparents are in close contact are probably the most dangerous ”


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