Samples from public places can show how the coronavirus spreads in the air.Imperial news
A new study will investigate whether small airborne droplets and particles can spread the coronavirus in environments such as supermarkets, schools, and busy streets.
In this study, led by Imperial College London and the University of Sally, can samples be collected from various public spaces and fine droplets floating in the air from coughs and conversations carry and disperse the “living” COVID-19 virus? Check if it can cause an infection (called SARS-CoV-2).
The study also looks at whether piggybacking on particulate matter in the atmosphere, such as vehicle pollution and small particles from dust, can spread the virus further.
UKRI funding Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), The COVAIR project started this month and researchers aim to sample sites throughout London. First in hospitals, then in schools, nursing homes, offices, intersections, supermarkets, train and subway stations, buses and more.
“This study helps address some of the unanswered questions about the aerial transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,” said Professor Hwang Chung, senior researcher at Imperial College London. Stated.
We believe that aerosols such as fine droplets from cough and small particles in the air can be important for both short- and long-range aerial transmission routes to the lungs. Professor Fan Chung Imperial College London
The SARS-CoV-2 virus from infected individuals can be spread by coughing, talking, and even droplets released into the atmosphere by normal breathing.
Studies show that the smallest of these droplets, called aerosols, one-tenth the width of human hair (less than 5 μM in diameter), stays in the air for hours and travels more than a few meters. And may land on the surface. It can last for days. Aerosol infection with SARS-Cov2 has been shown in confined spaces such as hospitals treating patients with COVID-19.
There is also some evidence suggesting that the virus can spread over much longer distances by adhering to polluted particles in the atmosphere. These aerosols and contaminants, including the virus, can be inhaled directly into the lungs of people in the area.
However, there are currently important gaps in our knowledge regarding the levels of “living” or “viable” viruses that circulate in the air that can be inhaled and cause infection.
According to the team, detecting viable viruses in the air can impact protection measures in public places.
Professor Chung explains as follows. “Aerosols, such as fine droplets from cough and small particles in the air, as shown by influenza, can be important for both short- and long-distance airborne transmission routes to the lungs. ..
“For long-distance infections, we also check to see if the virus is transmitted by particulate contaminants. This study can have important implications for how we protect ourselves from infection.”
Professor Prasant Kumar, Co-Principal Investigator Surrey University, “This project uses our wealth of knowledge to identify this deadly virus, track its presence in aerosols, and identify whether urban spaces can be made safer. That is. “
Virus search
Many projects are considering using PCR to sample the environment for the presence of viruses in the air. This approach can detect SARS-CoV-2 from gene fingerprints, but it cannot indicate whether the detected virus is still viable and can cause infection.
In COVAIR research, researchers aim to collect air samples from several locations. These are transferred to a high containment laboratory and cultured to see if the viable virus can replicate. This indicates that the virus can cause infections in the lungs of people who inhale infectious aerosols or particles.
First, the team will see if the virus in the air can be detected in the hospital treating COVID-19 patients. Once their method is validated, they use that approach to look for SARS-CoV-2 in other urban environments such as train platforms, office spaces, and shopping centers.
Professor Kumar said: “We are actively contributing to COVID-19’s research on the aerial transmission of COVID-19. This has a devastating impact on our lives and there are still many things we do not understand. ..
“We believe that only through these joint projects can we prepare for the fight against this virus.”
Professor Chung added: “COVID-19 continues to have a major impact on the lives of everyone on the planet, so it’s important to learn more about how to protect yourself from this deadly virus.
“COVAIR investigates whether living viruses can be transmitted through aerosols or polluted particles in the air. It is built on the expertise we have developed today. Masu INHALE exam Imperial aims to assess the impact of air pollution on personal health in the urban environment.
“Detecting viable viruses in the air can affect the additional protective measures people need to take in public.”
The first sampling will begin at Royal Brompton Hospital within a few weeks.
This research is supported through UKRI’s agile research and innovation response funding for COVID-19.
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