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Florence Nightingale Show presents a nursing pioneer who told us to wash our hands


LONDON Victorian Britain took Florence Nightingale to heart as the "Lady with a Lamp" who cared for injured soldiers, but a new exhibit shows her as a difficult pioneer whose principles of hygiene underpin care nurses today as the world battles the coronavirus.

The exhibition at the Florence Nightingale Museum in London's St Thomas Hospital marks the bicentenary of Nightingale's birth in a wealthy family, and tells how she fought opposition from her family and social constraints to become the most famous nurse in the world.

"The legacy of Florence Nightingale is really, really important. Obviously, she was a powerful leader. And we need clear, visible and strong leadership today," said Fiona. Hibberts, of the Nightingale Academy, a nursing institution in the hospital. .

The exhibition "Nightingale in 200 Objects, People & Places" will last one year.

St Thomas & # 39; is part of a handful of hospitals in Britain with a specialized service for the treatment of patients with coronavirus.

"The focus on sanitation, good hygiene, fresh air exercises, good food … no matter how far we go, these Florence basics are still very much at the core modern nursing, "said Hibberts.

"It's the same old message. Wash your hands."

Nightingale became famous after she and a small team of nurses traveled to Istanbul today to treat wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War, during which British forces , French and Ottomans fought the Russian Empire.

In a dirty hospital in a barracks on the Asian side of the Bosphorus, she saw thousands of soldiers die from infectious diseases rather than from their injuries, which prompted her to try to improve conditions.

The lamp she used to visit the rooms at night is on display at the exhibition, as is the uniform of the nurses she created.

"If Florence Nightingale herself was here, she would support everything that is being said right now. She was absolutely in infection control, hand washing, being very observant," said Yvonne Moores, president of Florence Nightingale Foundation and former British national chief. Nursing officer.

"She would also like, given her very, very long career, to encourage people who have retired … to think about the role they could play when they return."

Many retired doctors and nurses reacted with concern to a suggestion from the British government that they would be asked to fight the coronavirus if necessary.

Nightingale died at the age of 90 in 1910, continuing to work and write late in life.

The exhibit also recreates her room in London, allowing visitors to smell her scent and hear a recording of her voice.

(Reporting by Mindy Burrows; Writing by Alexandra Hudson; Editing by Janet Lawrence)

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