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Blue Light special offer: Minneapolis buys Kmart by the lake and from Nicollet


Minneapolis finally got the green light to demolish the Kmart store that blocks the intersection of Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue – a nuisance for decades.

In a struggle that lasted almost 40 years, the city of Minneapolis reached an agreement with the retailer to buy back its lease for $ 9.1 million. The deal marks the end of an era of shopping: it's the last Kmart in Minnesota.

And many city officials would say it should never have been built in Lake and Nicollet, blocking a key intersection of the city's redevelopment plans.

To be approved on March 13 and officially signed on March 17, the lease termination agreement would finally pave the way for the reopening of Nicollet, which has been a major priority for the city for decades.

"Getting the land for the street is the main reason we have been working for so long, and have spent and offered to spend all that money," said David Frank, director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development at Minneapolis. .

The store lease was set to expire in 2053, but the deal would leave the space vacant by June 30 at the latest.

"I have spoken to all of the board members, and I think there will be substantial support for the recommendation we are making," he said. "I hope they agree that this is the right thing to do. And the mayor is very supportive. "

The demolition process of the site and the establishment of a new street and a development vision are expected to begin later this year, but no further information on the timetable is yet estimated.

"It's not every day that we get to design a whole new street from scratch," said Frank. "It will be something more than a symbolic reconnection of neighborhoods and commercial areas to other parts of the city."

This Kmart site, which opened in 1977, delayed the redevelopment of Avenue Nicollet. In 2017, the city became the owner of Kmart when it paid $ 8 million to buy the land. But Kmart respected its lease, which was not due to expire until 2053. The last round of lease buyout negotiations began about two to three months ago, said Frank, shortly after the bankruptcy of Sears Holdings.

"For many people, Kmart is an affordable retailer that is close to where they live, work or are located, and they may well be sorry to see it disappear. That said, I've heard from people who shop there, who appreciate it as a retailer, who will be sorry to see it disappear, who will be happy to see it go in its physical configuration, "said he declared. Adding that he expects that there will be retail in the new space.

The funds for the buyout are expected to come from city funds generated by a legislative tax plan aimed at bringing up a tram on Nicollet. Other funds for demolition will come from the CPED and community engagement will be encapsulated in the city's normal operating budget.

The holding company, Transform Holdco LLC, announced in late August that all of Minnesota's other Kmart stores were to close, leaving Nicollet Avenue and Lake Street stores the only remaining ones. Store employees discovered it today, said Frank. Kmart declined to comment.

"Minneapolis should celebrate a bit," said Frank. "I mean there is a lot of work to be done, but we have accomplished something. We are at an important stage here. And this is a big problem. "

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