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The actors who almost played Luke Skywalker


The role of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars catapulted it to mainstream popularity, but many other young actors also contested for the role of neophyte Jedi. In 1977, George Lucas debuted his science fiction film and launched a beloved franchise that continues to be relevant more than four decades later. The film, which was later renamed Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, launched some novice actors in the spotlight, in particular Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Hamill.

Aside from a voice acting in Assistants, Star Wars was Hamill’s first big screen role. He had smaller roles in various TV shows, including Director, The Bill Cosby Show, The Partridge family, Night gallery and The magician as a guest. His first recurring guest came General Hospital from 1972 to 1973. Practically unknown, Hamill broke out as a naive Jedi aspirant Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, where he acted in front of veteran Sir Alec GuinnessasObi-Wan Kenobi. After the original trilogy, Hamill returned to the galaxy far, far away in 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and took over the role two more times in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (where the character met his end) and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker(where he reappeared as Force Ghost).

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Like his original trilogy co-stars Fisher and Ford, it’s hard to imagine someone playing the role of Luke Skywalker other than Hamill. However, when Lucas started to launch Star Wars in 1976 he also looked at some other rising stars that can bring the hero to life. Among those who auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker wasThe greatest American herostar William Katt. The cast of the rising star then is still available online and he has done a pretty good job portraying a farm boy with a heart of gold. Despite this, Hamill eventually sold the role a little better. Katt may not have booked onStar Warswork but he was then chosen as Tommy inCarriesince Lucas held a joint casting session with director Brian De Palma, his longtime friend.

Luke Skywalker actors

Kurt Russell also tried to grab the party – and interestingly, he was standing for two Star Wars the roles. He read for Han Solo, which he almost got because the actor was close to what Lucas envisioned for the rogue smuggler, and he was also considered for Luke Skywalker. Although he didn’t land in either party, Russell continued to build an impressive portfolio of work outside of the far-away galaxy franchise with films like Escape to New York and Escape from L.A., as good as Big problem in little China to name a few.

Finally, Charles Martin Smith was also ready to play Luke Skywalker, known for his roles in Buddy Holly’s story, Mute and Deep impact, the actor also worked with Lucas in 1973 American graffiti. Although he could not have been part of the Star Wars franchise he became a director with films like The Snow Walker and Dog house.

Ultimately, the role of Luke Skywalker ended up with Hamill, launching his career to new heights and helping him become a household name. The world of Star Warssimply wouldn’t have been the same without Hamill’s commitment to the role of the humble moisture farmer who became a mighty Jedi master. Between that and his obvious chemistry with his co-stars, it’s safe to say that Lucas made the right choice of casting.

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