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Queen to celebrate 94th birthday with virtual party during coronavirus The Sun lockdown


THE Queen is scheduled for a virtual birthday party because the lockout means she cannot be visited by friends or family.

She will celebrate her 94th birthday tomorrow in a vacuum at Windsor Castle with the 98-year-old Duke of Edinburgh.

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Plans were underway last week to set up video calls so that her children and grandchildren scattered across the country could wish a happy birthday.

Last year, the queen was surrounded by 16 family members for her birthday, but like millions of people in the country, she is forbidden to see relatives and friends because of the coronavirus lock.

She halted any public celebration of her big day canceling traditional gun salutes at Hyde Park and the Tower of London and Trooping of the Color in June.

Aides said that all of the phone calls and video calls of tomorrow will be private.

Last week, William revealed that there was a royal family zoom group.

He said: We have, we have done many family things. We talked to our whole family online. And it’s been a great way to stay in touch.

Royal sources said plans were made last week to find a secure videoconference to reunite the family.


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It is understood that William, in Anmer, Norfolk, stayed in touch with his father, Prince Charles, 500 miles away, in Birkhall, Scotland, via FaceTime.

William and Kate have made a series of video calls to several charities and hospitals since the coronavirus lockout.

On Friday, Wills revealed that they have a family focus on staying in touch to allow George, Charlotte and Louis to see their grandparents.

Prince Charles overpowered the video call by opening the NHS Nightingale in London away from the Scottish Highlands where he was recovering from a coronavirus.

Harry used the zoom to speak to WellChild last week and Meghan spoke on the app to chat with members of the Hubb community kitchen in Londin, both from Los Angeles.

Millions of families are forced to stay in touch with video calls such as via WhatsApp or Skype or group calls on Zoom or House Party.

On Saturday, Buckingham Palace revealed that there would be no salvation at 41 guns at Hyde Park by the Color Royal Horse Artillery troop or at 62 guns by the Honorable Artillery Company at the Tower of London.

A palace spokesperson said: Her Majesty strongly wished that no special measures had been put in place to authorize the salvo of firearms, as she did not consider it appropriate in the present circumstances.

Plans are in place for video calls.
Meanwhile, families who lost loved ones to Covid-19 taunted Prince Harry, 35, after he appeared to play down the pandemic on an Army veteran podcast.

Give now to the NHS call from the Sun

BRITAINES four million NHS members are on the front line in the fight against coronaviruses.

But while they are helping to save lives, who is there to help them?

Le Soleil appealed to raise $ 1 million for NHS workers.

The call from Who Cares Wins aims to gain vital support from staff in their hour of need.

We have partnered with NHS Charities Together in their urgent Covid-19 appeal to ensure that the money reaches exactly who needs it.

The Sun is donating 50,000 and we would like YOU to help us raise a million pounds to help them.

No matter how little you can save, please donate today here

The queen promises that Easter “is not canceled” but “by separating us, we protect others” by stirring the address to the nation

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