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Camp Fire Hosts Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser | New


The waste will be transformed into fashion and will end up on the track on Saturday. Alexander City Camp Fire Alabama is hosting its second annual fashion show at the Charles E. Bailey Sportplex.

Staci Pemberton, Chair of the Camp Fire Alabama Board of Directors and Director of the Fashion Show, said the girls made outfits from recyclables, including pot bag shorts and Capri Sun dungarees , for the parade.

Everyone is trying to keep their (recycled) outfits a secret, Pemberton said.

Recycled materials won't be the only thing on the runway, as the show will also showcase 34 models in spring and summer outfits from six suppliers, including Treasure Hunt Thrift Store. Models include girls' family members.

Girls have to go and choose what they want to wear, said Pemberton. Some are just really fun outfits.

The organization uses the event to shed light on issues such as helping the homeless. He donated last year's revenues to the Lake Martin United Way area crisis fund. And this year, the show will benefit the disaster relief fund of the Lake Martin region.

Tickets are $ 10 for adults and those 12 and under can enter with canned food.

It helps to know that we have the supplies and the United Way can afford it when situations like (disasters) occur, said Pemberton.

United Way executive director Sharon Fuller said the organization had money for unusual situations different from the crisis it responds to like fires.

It is very humiliating, especially since my daughter was a member of Camp Fire and I was a leader, said Fuller. If we have food, we give it. You can tell when someone is hungry.

If one of the United Way agencies like the Salvation Army runs out of food, Fuller can give canned food to those who come to his office. She said people are approaching the United Way with emergency needs after the Salvation Army is closed more often than not, so supplies are needed.

Fuller said that Camp Fire does a lot for the community, including teaching girls leadership.

Pemberton said that fundraising is a way for girls to have fun and give back at the same time.

It also helps build their confidence, said Pemberton. It makes them feel good and happy and is a confidence booster to go out there and be in the spotlight.

Pembertons loves to see girls smile and knows that the show is worth it.

It's a lot of work putting it all together and putting it all together, said Pemberton. It's the camaraderie of it all and having fun and knowing at the end of the day, they give back to their community.

Doors open at 1:30 p.m. and the fashion show begins at 2 p.m. at the Sportplex gymnasium.

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