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“Go where you can get the vaccine:” MLHU says you don’t have to wait if other areas are available-London

“Go where you can get the vaccine:” MLHU says you don’t have to wait if other areas are available-London


Healthcare officer Dr. Chris McKee states whether other health units offer COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Middlesex-Vaccination of unqualified groups in London, he believes there is no problem for people traveling to other parts of Ontario to get vaccinated.

Pilot providing Oxford-AstraZeneca Shots began this month at pharmacies in Toronto, Kingston and Windsor and will expand to 700 sites in the coming weeks.

Initially, these vaccines were made available to people between the ages of 60 and 64, but have since expanded to people over the age of 60. National Advisory Committee on Immunization in Canada Issued by (NACI) Updated guidance The vaccine states that it can be used by all adults, not just adults under the age of 64.

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Ontario Health Minister vaccinated Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 to fight hesitation

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It is not yet clear when the program will expand to London.

“(The topic) is that quite a few people are shopping in different communities, depending on where they can make reservations. I’m not worried,” he said on Monday. ..

“As long as people are vaccinated, I’m happy.”

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Which state has won the COVID-19 vaccine deployment race?

According to McKee, MLHU has seen “many people” from southwestern Ontario and even from the Greater Toronto Area, who traveled to the London area to get vaccinated “in different places.” Follow public health guidelines such as maintaining physical distance and wearing masks.

“If people have the time and energy and want to drive somewhere to get the vaccine, they may be eligible or find a reservation.

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“No problem. Go to a place where you can get the vaccine.”

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Middlesex-The booking system is overwhelmed as London expands the COVID-19 vaccine to seniors over the age of 75

The AstraZeneca vaccine, like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, needs to be given twice, but McKee says that those who travel to other jurisdictions in the state and receive injections will have a second in Middlesex-London. I think it is highly likely that I will be vaccinated.

“The state tracking system means knowing where people previously took shots, so the automatic second appointment generated when people get their first shot is the same clinic. It could be done in … but you should be able to change them, “he said.

“It’s clear that you’ll get a call and it will take some time for the phone line to arrive, but we should be able to handle it.”

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Pharmacy in COVID, Ontario-19 Hotspots Next to Vaccine Offering

On Monday, an Ontario solicitor said pharmacies at the hotspot of the virus would provide vaccinations to people over the age of 60, the expansion depends on supply, and the exact location is by the Ontario Pharmacist Association. He said it had been decided.

MLHU is currently at the orange level of the state’s COVID-19 compliant framework.

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McKee says he doesn’t know when the local pharmacy will get the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“We don’t get direct information, which is flowing from the state government to pharmacies,” McKee said.

“Local public health recognizes that some health units in Ontario have pilots. Beyond that, we know what the next step is, which pharmacy, or actually that. I don’t know anything about the process. “

Middlesex-Learn more about who is currently vaccinated in London Found on the Health Unit website..

— Using files from Matthew Trevisick, Hannah Jackson, and Rachael D’Amore from Global News.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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