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A “haunted house” sign was placed outside a house for sale west of Boston — and people ask questions

A “haunted house” sign was placed outside a house for sale west of Boston — and people ask questions


Well, who put this here?It was a ghost Want to make it inconspicuous? A longtime Spectral resident who announces that he has found a new haunt?

“It’s just around the corner and I have so many questions,” Bloomstein wrote on Wednesday morning in a tweet containing an image of the sign.

By Thursday, Bloomstein’s tweets had become viral and shared more than 14,000 times, so thousands of other people online also asked some questions. Actor George Takei retweeted. Neil Gaiman too, Creepy author.

In the interview According to Bloomstein, her husband first noticed this sign on Wednesday morning when he was out for a walk with Rex of the German Shepherd. He took a picture of it and showed it to Bloomstein when he got home.

Confused, she had to see it for herself, so the couple drove together.

“I said,’Oh, I want to see it too,'” said Bloomstein, who later shared the photo on social media. “It certainly brought a smile to my face, and also to the faces of nearly 100,000 people who” liked “the tweet.”

Bloomstein didn’t want to say where the house was to respect the privacy of homeowners, she said. However, she contacted real estate firm Ponte Realty Group-Keller Williams Realty, South Watuppa to learn more about the small rectangular sign known as the Rider.

After all, they didn’t know anything about it either, she said. It’s very strange.

“They said they didn’t put up a sign,” Bloomstein said. “It raises more questions than answers.”

Some of the realtors contacted Bloomstein individually on Twitter and her post gained momentum, so “Wait a minute, where’s that sign? It’s our sign, but we I didn’t put up with the rider, “she said. Said.

Bloomstein said the conclusion they reached was “maybe someone is playing around here” or, as they’re joking on Twitter, a ghost trying to keep people away from the scent. ..

“It sounds like a haunted house,” one person jokingly said.

Real estate group representatives didn’t want to comment on Thursday. After that, the sign was removed.

Bloomstein suspected that her neighborhood probably had its own “Banksy” loose. If it was a prank or an attempt at public art, the signs are easy to find. A quick Google search reveals that you can buy a “Haunted House” sign in the same red and white color scheme on Etsy.

Signs were previously used by realtors in other states to sell homes. In december Baltimore-based real estate agent placed in a “haunted house” To make people laugh and get attention, we put up signs outside the two properties on the market.

And in New OrleansKnown for its eerie past, realtors are known to adopt such tactics — although sometimes they playfully use the “ghost” sign instead.

Real Estate Brokers and Homeowners in Massachusetts No need to disclose Whether the property is a paranormal host.

“The facts or allegations that real estate may or may be psychologically affected shall not be considered material facts that need to be disclosed in the real estate transaction.” According to Massachusetts general law.

This includes cases where “real estate was a place suspected of being parapsychological or supernatural.”

The law does not seem to mention, at least, whether it is okay to disclose that there are no ghosts in the house anymore.

Betsy Mary, Salem’s Merry Fox RealtyIf people asked about the alleged bump at night, they said they would disclose that information to the buyer.

“I didn’t put it on the list,’By the way, there are ghosts in my house,'” Mary said. “If someone says’I’ve heard’, they’ll say,’Yes, I’ve heard the same thing.’ I’m sure, but I’m not going to cover it.”

Bloomstein laughed at the presence of the sign, but saw it through the lens of trust and her work of “information empowers people.”

“For me, did you think this was the perfect crystalline distillation of what disclosure would look like? This is the simplest and most basic form of disclosure,” she said. .. But, “In this case, I don’t think it was the realtor who made the rider, so we can draw our conclusions.”

According to research: There is a possibility of mischief. Still, “Who says there are no mischievous ghosts?” Bloomstein asked.

Steve Annar can be reached at [email protected].. Follow him on Twitter @steveannear..

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