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Junior hockey: the return of the Maine Nordiques against the Knights


Nordic goalkeeper Avey Sturtz watches teammate Casper Soderling keep Nikita Asylaev from the front of the net in the first period Thursday at Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Photo of Ron Morin

LEWISTON The Maine Nordiques simply ran out of time.

Maine's return to the third period just ended with a 6-5 loss to the Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Knights at Colosseum Androscoggin Bank on Thursday.

I was hoping (the stopwatch) would hit zero 10 seconds earlier, or two minutes earlier, said Knights general manager and coach Tom Kowal. Maine has speed and a lot of offense. We knew what we were going against. We were caught trying to play their game, a run-and-gun game, and we are not a run-and-gun hockey team.

Egor Postnov scored two goals, his second giving the Knights a 5-3 lead near the start of the third period.

After the Nordiques (20-31-2, 42 points) scored without a goal in their first three power plays, Ethan Prout scored on their fourth goal to reduce the deficit to 5-4 with less than eight minutes to play .

Tyrone Bronte picked up the Knights' two goal lead 31 seconds later when he deflected from a shot from Lincoln Hatten. It was Brontes second in the match. His first was also on a deviation.

The swing of goals was a theme of the Brontethis season.

It's funny, but yes, this year (it was), said Bronte.

Filip Lofdahl went to the top of the standings to get the Nordiques in a goal with 1:16 remaining.

Nordic forward Emmanuel Sanchez takes on Liam Haslam of the Knights for a lively puck along the boards in the first period at the Coliseum on Thursday. Photo of Ron Morin

Soderling also had a goal in the second period. His family and the Casper Soderlings family came from Sweden to attend this week's games at the Coliseum.

I know they were excited, said Nordic coach Nolan Howe. These two guys came strong. Casper was nominated for Defender of the Month (for February). Filip, since his return from his injuries, is getting better.

“Certainly, (these are) huge pieces that will come back next season, and we are happy that their efforts have been rewarded in front of their families.

The Nordiques did not take their time out after goal, instead of waiting for a potential faceoff in the offensive zone to use it. This puck never took place while fighting to get the puck out of their own area at the last minute.

The Knights (25-21-5, 55 points) controlled the first part of the game, putting seven shots on goal in the first two and a half minutes. Nordic goalkeeper Avery Sturtz (34 saves) was on his game from the start and made a few point blank stops.

The sixth shot of the match came from Shane Murphy. Sturtz kicked Beckkes of Wilkes-Barre / Scranton to the right in the left circle, and Moore sent the puck into the semi-open net at the score of 2:28.

We looked like an NHL hockey team for the first eight minutes of the hockey game, said Kowal. Then we looked like a pee hockey team for the last 10 minutes of the first period. But we've been driving a lot lately, (so) to come out with a road win, no matter how we do it, I'm going to take (the colon).

The Nordiques struggled to generate an offense from the start when their first two shots on goal were shots on Knights goalkeeper Zach Stejskal.

Maine tied the game when defender Andrius Kulbis-Marino skated around the net and found a small opening between Stejskal (35 saves) and the post to tie the game 1-1.

The Knights score twice in 65 seconds in the second period. Postnov skated on the left wing and beat Sturtz cleanly for a 2-1 lead. Then Brontes' first goal was scored at 6:06.

Sturtz argued that he was embarrassed because there were bodies at the top of the fold. The referees met and determined that it was a goal.

"I just tried to get in front of the net and traffic so that our defender had a good path to shoot and remove the goalkeeper's eyes," said Bronte. The next thing you know, the puck goes into the net. It happens sometimes.

Andrius Kulbis-Marino of the Nordiques watches keeper Avery Sturtz makes a save on a shot from the knights' attacker Tyrone Bronte. Photo of Ron Morin

Only 22 seconds later, Kevin Pitts put the Nordiques in one.

Soderling finished a nice game from Tim Kent after Kent went from start to finish and found Soderling in the slot with 5:50 remaining in the middle period to tie the game 3-3.

Kent had three assists in the game.

These guys are playing their last little piece of junior hockey here and have certainly left everything there, said Howe of Kent and Pitts. They are trying to pull the team in the right direction. I know it means a lot to them and it means a lot to everyone in this room. These guys have done a good job setting an example this evening. "

The Knights responded quickly, 62 seconds after Soderling's goal when Lincoln Hatten led the Knights 4-3.

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