Answer 10 more questions about COVID-19 vaccine | City News
In this second episode of the series, The Red & Black asked current readers what are the most important questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Here is the answer from our health data reporter.
When will vaccine herd immunity be achieved?
Herd immunity has been dealt with more frequently in connection with COVID-19 for a variety of reasons. First, because it is a brand new virus, no one has ever developed immunity. Immunity to SARS-Co-V2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be obtained by either disease or vaccination.
Viral infections have never been eliminated due to immunity induced by natural infections.
Herd immunity can be expected to occur when 70-85% of people nationwide are vaccinated.
What’s in the vaccine?
TheĀ· Vaccine consists of Fat (important body fat), salt, basic table sugar.
How long does vaccine immunity last?
Vaccine immunity is likely to last at least several months after the first vaccine, which started in July 2020 and was approved based on data collected by early December 2020, was provided in clinical trials. We know. To learn more about the lifespan of the immune response to vaccination.
If I get vaccinated, can I hang out with my friends?
Two weeks must pass after the second vaccination to be considered fully vaccinated. If you and your friends are completely vaccinated, you may gather indoors without a mask. The important thing to remember here is to make sure that you are fully vaccinated and that the people you are with are also fully vaccinated.
Does this vaccine prevent other COVID-19 mutants from being found?
New COVID variants are being scrutinized by scientists. This includes studies to see if new variants may alter the protective properties of existing vaccines. According to previous experiments, antibodies assembled by vaccination with currently approved vaccines appear to recognize new mutants.
Do I need to get a second dose of the same vaccine brand?
Okay. There is no priority between the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines, but experts agree that the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are incompatible. The safety and efficacy of the combination vaccine has not been investigated and further research is needed.
What is the difference between the first and second vaccinations?
The process of building protection begins with the first dose of the vaccine. The second dose works to further strengthen this defense. However, there is no actual difference between the first and second compositions.
What if I have an extreme allergic reaction to the vaccine?
Although unlikely, if you experience a major allergic reaction after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccine provider can immediately treat you and contact emergency medical assistance. After that, it should be observed in the medical facility for at least a few hours.
Are vaccines being studied in children?
Okay. Testing of the COVID-19 vaccine in infants and babies has begun. Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was tested between the ages of 16 and 18 and found to be safe for this age group. Age-related recommendations will be updated as infants and adolescents have more access to information.
Where can I find more information about vaccines?
For more information Centers for Disease Control and Prevention And Georgia Public Health Service website.You can also send us an email at [email protected] If you have any questions,
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