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FF7 Remake Hell House Boss Guide: How to Burn this House to the Ground


One of the most difficult boss fights you will encounter in Final Fantasy 7 Remake is the house of hell during Chapter 9. If you are not ready to enter this one, you may quickly wipe yourself out. . Below, we detail everything you need to know about how to defeat this seemingly sensitive house.

For more boss tactics, check out our FF7 Remake boss guide. If not, be sure to check out our FF7 Remake walkthrough and remake.

How to defeat the house of hell

The house of hell is a tough fight, so make sure you are ready. Divide the magic matter between Cloud and Aerith in order to have spells covering the four elements: ice, fire, wind and lightning. It is also a good idea to remove elemental matter from your weapons for this fight. You need a balance of elements because the House of Hell will constantly change its elemental affinity, using a barrier that will defend it from your attacks. This means that if you use elementary matter and the bad barrier is lifted, your physical attacks will be useless, which will put you in a very unfavorable position. You also want to bring a lot of ethers to this fight.

At the start of the fight, look at the windows of the Hell House. When they are red, the fence of the house is set on fire; green is the wind; yellow is lightning; and blue is ice. You want to cast spells of the opposite type to the barrier in order to raise the hell meter from the house of hell – so if the barrier is fire, use ice and if it is wind, use lightning, etc.

In the first phase, the house will throw explosive furniture and toys at you, so stay well behind. Chair Salvo’s attack will launch a bunch of chairs that will follow you like missiles, but you can avoid them pretty well if you just run around the arena and try to keep moving. When the house is spraying stuffed animals, stay away from them – they are all bombs. And when he uses his Hospitality attack, try to run away; he will suck up one of your characters in the house, briefly removing them from the fight while inflicting a lot of damage on them. If you can hit the house with a spell in front of its barrier during this attack, do so.

The first phase is not too difficult if you have the magic to deal with it. After the house has been damaged, it will move into a much more aggressive second phase. You will have less guidance on the house gate from now on; The magic with which to hit him will be dictated by his attacks, which you can interrupt with the right spells. Stay away from his Jetstream attack, in which the house will spin and spray fire, then use ice. Do the same for the Double Rocket Charge attack, where the house will fire directly at you – run sideways to avoid the first charge, but be aware that the house will follow with two more. The housing shock attack will see the house chasing you for electrical damage, so try to hit it with the wind. Renewed hospitality is a wind attack, so use lightning.

The hardest part of this fight is really the God House mode. The house will create a barrier which will considerably reduce physical and magical attacks and is not linked to an element. When this happens, change the targets to Hell House weapons and focus the fire. A few large Aerith spells or ATB attacks from the Cloud should be enough to damage the house and knock down the barrier, opening it up for your regular list of attacks. You will really need to be on your guard for this one, however; as soon as the barrier is lowered, hit the house of hell with the spell that will shift it the most according to the color of its window, because you have a short period after the fall of the God mode where you can get a big hit inch when tottering.

This battle will put you to the test as it will force you to be ready with the right spell at the right time, but it also makes it difficult to charge your ATB counters when you face barriers. When you get a big hit with the right item, bridge the gap with Cloud for Punisher attacks and ATB abilities to accumulate as much staging as possible. But above all, be sure to keep your team alive; don’t be afraid to use a lot of healing items and spells here, as you will need them.

In the final phase, Hell House will add an attack called Heavensward, where it will fly around the battlefield, firing you more chairs and other explosives. If you keep moving, you should be able to avoid the missiles, but eventually the house will fall back on you. You will have a brief window before it hits it with a spell, if you can land it, so be careful and load your ATB bars in advance.

As long as you remain patient, cast the good magic and dodge correctly, you must clear Hell House of the land in no time. Accessories for you, however! You really showed them where the heart is – certainly not this house!

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